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Women who wear burkhas in public in France will be fined

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Regardless it does however show that spectacles are a bigger impairment to driving than a properly fitted Niqab. A Burqa probably would impair driving but I don't think I have ever seen anyone outside Afghanistan wearing one.


This whole discussion is about Burqha's isn't it? not Niqabs :roll:

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Regardless it does however show that spectacles are a bigger impairment to driving than a properly fitted Niqab. A Burqa probably would impair driving but I don't think I have ever seen anyone outside Afghanistan wearing one.


No, someone with good vision would have their vision impaired by a burqua - it could not be improved.

Someone with poor vision would have their vision improved by spectacles. It's fairly simple. Don't try to pretend otherwise.

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No, someone with good vision would have their vision impaired by a burqua - it could not be improved.

Someone with poor vision would have their vision improved by spectacles. It's fairly simple. Don't try to pretend otherwise.


Maybe. I have never claimed spectacles do anything but improve vision.


The point I am making is that vision is not be hindered in any meaningful way by a Niqab which is the face covering worn more commonly, outside of Afghanistan. A Niqab if it prevents any vision at all, would at most if ill fitting prevent the same peripheral vision that spectacles don't correct. So if you want to ban the Niqab from being worn by drivers on the grounds of safety for consistency you would also have to ban spectacle wearers from driving.

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Maybe. I have never claimed spectacles do anything but improve vision.


The point I am making is that vision is not be hindered in any meaningful way by a Niqab which is the face covering worn more commonly, outside of Afghanistan. A Niqab if it prevents any vision at all, would at most if ill fitting prevent the same peripheral vision that spectacles don't correct. So if you want to ban the Niqab from being worn by drivers on the grounds of safety for consistency you would also have to ban spectacle wearers from driving.


The trouble is you are serious about it!!

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Mod note


Quite a few posts have been removed. Please stay on topic, and please also remember that off-topic stuff can result in a holiday.


We don't want to have to remove threads either. It sort of defeats the object .....


Cheers all.

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The issue of it being restrictive to drivers is a none issue and one that will have been looked into in great lenth. If there was a huge number of fatalities on the road due to burka wearers then we would not even have to talk about it because they would be banned. I have a friend with one eye and they let him drive so restriction of sight is not a problem for the burka wearers in that reguard.


They should be banned tho for all the other reasons stated IE security, social exclussion, degrading of women, ect ect ect. Theres loads of reasons to get this garment out of our sociaty but restriction of driving is just nit picking and one to throw people off the track and cheapen the arguments and promote bickering on the subject.

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  • 2 weeks later...
when are we going to ban the burka, im sick of seeing it worn on the street, the burka is a clear symbol of anti western values and supports a way of life that should be in the history books.




how is it the frence of all people have the backbone to stand up to this situation and we dont

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how is it the frence of all people have the backbone to stand up to this situation and we dont


How is it the "cheese eating surrender monkeys" pick on an already oppressed sector of society?


How is it acceptable to exchange one alleged form of being dictated to, for another?

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