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Women who wear burkhas in public in France will be fined

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the burka is oppression, it is anti western, it is a security threat.

why is it not any of the above?


I was referring to the bit where you laughably claimed ''i see it as a general security threat.(not just bombs but down to shoplifting)''


You think the burkha is a major security threat on the grounds of its shoplifting potential? Behave, you're being daft - you could ban prmas, carrier bags and combat trousers on exactly the same spurious grounds.


How is it 'anti- Western' ? How is it anti anything? If you're bothered about women being opressed how does criminalising them for something they wear help? If there are french Muslim women who do feel pressured by their culture into wearing stuff they'd not choose, do you really think that thratening to fine them will make them feel any better about it?

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I was referring to the bit where you laughably claimed ''i see it as a general security threat.(not just bombs but down to shoplifting)''


You think the burkha is a major security threat on the grounds of its shoplifting potential? Behave, you're being daft - you could ban prmas, carrier bags and combat trousers on exactly the same spurious grounds.


How is it 'anti- Western' ? How is it anti anything? If you're bothered about women being opressed how does criminalising them for something they wear help? If there are french Muslim women who do feel pressured by their culture into wearing stuff they'd not choose, do you really think that thratening to fine them will make them feel any better about it?


go shopping with your hood up, see how far you get.

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the burka is oppression, it is anti western, it is a security threat.

why is it not any of the above?




If it is that much of an oppression why is it on the rise & why is it the "norm" so to speak in many countries.


Lets not talk about security threat......I think you shall find the goverment to this country is more of a security threat than a piece of material :rolleyes:


For those who have said (not dircted to the op) this is not about having a go at Islam. You lie. You shall find it is the same "old" users who shall twist and turn the knife about anything that is in relation to Islam & turn it into their own personal gratification to have ago.


Continue with your moaning because the burkhas will not be banned in this country. Fact!

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If it is that much of an oppression why is it on the rise & why is it the "norm" so to speak in many countries.


Lets not talk about security threat......I think you shall find the goverment to this country is more of a security threat than a piece of material :rolleyes:


For those who have said (not dircted to the op) this is not about having a go at Islam. You lie. You shall find it is the same "old" users who shall twist and turn the knife about anything that is in relation to Islam & turn it into their own personal gratification to have ago.


Continue with your moaning because the burkhas will not be banned in this country. Fact!

Funny how the SAME banned users come back to demand banning of a piece of garment worn by a tiny percentage of Muslim women. Doesn't seem to be any recession at the BNP central, must be being paid well.
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why is it? why is it? why is it?


or is it one rule for jhon and another rule for iqbal?



the burka is oppression, it is anti western, it is a security threat.

why is it not any of the above?

My daughter used to argue like that when she was ten:hihi: And spell like that too.





Have they built a new council estate at Dore now?

Edited by tab1
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