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Women who wear burkhas in public in France will be fined

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Or, to put it another way, you don't feel it's acceptable for a student to deviate from the school uniform rules due to conforming to his or her cultural requirements but perfectly fine to do so as long as you say you're feeling a bit chilly.


Come on H2M I've observed that, unlike many on here, you are willing to actually consider points which oppose your opinions and sometimes, as a consequence, change your position. I suggest you apply that laudable open-mindedness now and ask yourself whether you're being even handed regarding the two situations above.

Thank you, I see a compliment in that ;)


Yes I can see that its a cultural thing and accept that for what it is but I also see that schools are addamant with rules even when they are against common sence which is what happened in my sons case where we had severe weather and yet they would not 'bend/relax' the rules. But as I see it the scarf is a cultural thing and a mark of individualism and does not promote cohesion that is the principle for having the uniform.


I can understand why schools let them wear them but I question if they should. Given that there is little difference between a head scarf and a bandanna I find it hard to accept the banning of one and not another.

I dont want this topic to get too bogged down as to whats acceptable in schools but wanted to highlight the point that this is a place where it seems at odds and a cultural difference as is the Burka.

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Thank you, I see a compliment in that ;)


Yes I can see that its a cultural thing and accept that for what it is but I also see that schools are addamant with rules even when they are against common sence which is what happened in my sons case where we had severe weather and yet they would not 'bend/relax' the rules. But as I see it the scarf is a cultural thing and a mark of individualism and does not promote cohesion that is the principle for having the uniform.


I can understand why schools let them wear them but I question if they should. Given that there is little difference between a head scarf and a bandanna I find it hard to accept the banning of one and not another.

I dont want this topic to get too bogged down as to whats acceptable in schools but wanted to highlight the point that this is a place where it seems at odds and a cultural difference as is the Burka.


If you want them to change the rules so your son can wear a scarf why, then be setting further limits?


In my opinion school uniforms suppress individuality, the same criticism we have of muslim uniforms. The difference is one is imposed the other is chosen. For consistency, we should oppose uniforms where ever we find them imposed, and allow people to wear what they want to within the limits of decency.

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nobody has given up their christian values for multiculturalism, it has just happened, people are still free to go to church if they so wish (even in this multicultural society) but they just dont wish to


its amazing how many experts and adherents to christianity appear when islam is getting a kicking.

the other 99% of the time people dont give a **** about it

Im not sure what is meant by that ? but if you suggest Im an expert then Ill have to let you down.


I am going on my experiances and not because of I want to jump on any band waggon. All schools stopped the singing of hyms, prayers and harvest festivals ect at the same time and they did not just drift off one by one as you suggest.


From that I can only presume some sort of state intervention and it came about at the time that we had a big influx of Muslims into our schools, so I am sorry if I have draw a conclussion that you feel is wrong but I am just going on what I have seen and no of. I have no evidance that this is the case but it sure is a big coincidance if not.

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I can understand why schools let them wear them but I question if they should. Given that there is little difference between a head scarf and a bandanna I find it hard to accept the banning of one and not another.


I agree with Wildcat, ban neither.

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Should not any face covering be removed if there is a risk of a crime being committed or for general safety issues like airlines etc where passports need to be validated ? Fining people for wearing face coverings in the street is downright stupid and intolerant of peoples beliefs and or customs.. Froggy gone mad again then ??

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For instance - my daughter cannot attend school whilst wearing certain religious jewellery, yet as soon as this happens for some immigrant there is a public outcry..


So you would demonstrate your objection to your daughter not being allowed to wear religious jewellery by denying others the opportunity to wear their religious garb?


Shouldn't the issue be your wishes that your daughter should be allowed to wear her religious jewellery and how you can convince the school its a deeply held conviction? I'd support that.

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