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Women who wear burkhas in public in France will be fined

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:D No I do not have a tash problem.

Im just think if I pulled a Burka back and it was a bloke I would probably be laid out with him with the shock.


But as you seem to gloss over my bit of humour and make out I am the one with the problem here, isnt the problem that people wearing these Burkas could be blokes ? and that they are brilliant for hiding people ?


I did not concider the fact that there maybe Muslim cross dressers, for some reason I cannot get into my head a picture of a muslim man in lippy and high heels.


back to being serious, What possible reasons would go through your head if you lifted a Burka and it was a geezer ?


I won't answer myself but would like some replies, I think I know the answers Ill get.


Can you help us by giving us a rough statistic of how likely that ludicrous scenario might be, that you suggest?


I'd suggest that it is going to be minuscule, verging on the negligible, myself

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Do you think it's a coincidence that the burka wearing increased after the Government inspired Western media war on Islam? I would suggest it is and is a sign of defiance against the Islamophobes and as such will decrease as it was doing during the sixties and seventies once this anti Islam screaming from the roof tops stops.


I am not aware of any War on Islam.


Edit:- Ironic then that the Burqa is generally creating anti Muslim sentiment.

Edited by mj.scuba
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Can you help us by giving us a rough statistic of how likely that ludicrous scenario might be, that you suggest?


I'd suggest that it is going to be minuscule, verging on the negligible, myself

No, I cannot help you further. Can you have a stab at why a bloke would wear one ?
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Actually, just to set you straight on that one:- in Islam, modesty of attire is expected of men, as well as women, Children if they are under the age of responsibility don't have to cover in quite the same way.

As for your "Muslim State" comment. It's surely, up to the individual how they dress?


If Mrs Arnold wants to wear a low-cut blouse, then what's the problem? if Mrs Potter wants to wear a polo necked jumper, again, what's the problem? If Mrs Khan wants to wear an abaya or veil, again, what, exactly is the problem?


What Mrs A, Mrs P or Mrs K wears does not impinge on your own, personal freedom to wear what you wish.



out of interest PT, at what age do muslim children become responsible?

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Your confusing it with the war from Islam that the crazy clerics talk of. But thats going off topic, I think thers already some Choudry and Hook topic floating around somewhere.


Some are of the illusion though, that our country is at war with Islam :loopy:




*loopy not aimed at you hard2miss

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Actually, just to set you straight on that one:- in Islam, modesty of attire is expected of men, as well as women, Children if they are under the age of responsibility don't have to cover in quite the same way.


As for your "Muslim State" comment. It's surely, up to the individual how they dress?


If Mrs Arnold wants to wear a low-cut blouse, then what's the problem? if Mrs Potter wants to wear a polo necked jumper, again, what's the problem? If Mrs Khan wants to wear an abaya or veil, again, what, exactly is the problem?


What Mrs A, Mrs P or Mrs K wears does not impinge on your own, personal freedom to wear what you wish.




The problem is that with wearing a veil you cannot see the person's facial features, you cannot determine facial expressions so it makes it hard to judge what the veil wearer is feeling, hence segregation not intregration.

with Mrs A and Mrs P you can still see their facial expressions.

i find the veils very rude and the people wearing them imo are not wanting to intregrate into western society.

they are the first to complain when then get stared at or ignored but thrn look at the way they dress. i would equally stare just at much as someone wearing a borat mankini and walking down the road.

its rude and not good cricket at all.

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:D No I do not have a tash problem.

Im just think if I pulled a Burka back and it was a bloke I would probably be laid out with him with the shock.


But as you seem to gloss over my bit of humour and make out I am the one with the problem here, isnt the problem that people wearing these Burkas could be blokes ? and that they are brilliant for hiding people ?


I did not concider the fact that there maybe Muslim cross dressers, for some reason I cannot get into my head a picture of a muslim man in lippy and high heels.


back to being serious, What possible reasons would go through your head if you lifted a Burka and it was a geezer ?


I won't answer myself but would like some replies, I think I know the answers Ill get.

It would be a surprise at any time to find something that you weren't expecting, such is the nature if a surprise.;)


I did get the attempt on humor, but the example you used was of a heart attack and also seemed to bring into focus that your offer of help to a dying person would be dependent on certain conditions that you were comfortable with, so I asked.


As for cross-dressing Muslims, I don't know any but have a gay cousin who would pass of as a young lady most of the time simply by the way he walks. So being Muslim is no barrier to being human.

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Some are of the illusion though, that our country is at war with Islam :loopy:




*loopy not aimed at you hard2miss

And some of them have limited reading skills
Do you think it's a coincidence that the burka wearing increased after the Government inspired Western media war on Islam?


*loopy not aimed at you hard2miss

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