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Women who wear burkhas in public in France will be fined

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they are the first to complain when then get stared at or ignored but thrn look at the way they dress. i would equally stare just at much as someone wearing a borat mankini and walking down the road.

its rude and not good cricket at all.

No that is taking it too far without any evidence of any person complaining. Have you had anyone complain to you for staring? Or are you simply judging others by your own imagination of how you would feel?
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I did get the attempt on humor, but the example you used was of a heart attack and also seemed to bring into focus that your offer of help to a dying person

Yes, the context wasnt very good, however I didnt bring up the situation of someone having heart attact, Im just guilty of making a light hearted comment about it.


Of course I would assist someone who needed help, man in a burka, julian clairy even susan boil if I really had to :hihi:

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And some of them have limited reading skills


*loopy not aimed at you hard2miss


Some people DO think our country is at war with Islam (Islamic extremists and far right extremists for example), the loopy was for them, so if that is contrary to what you believe, it isn't aimed at you either.


So how has the Goverment inspired a media war on Islam?

The UK press are free from Government control and free from censorship.

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No that is taking it too far without any evidence of any person complaining. Have you had anyone complain to you for staring? Or are you simply judging others by your own imagination of how you would feel?


if the burkkha wearers were not complaining about it then it would not be an issue for some.


it is a statement which reads "look at me" when they wear them, just like the mankini would be.


if they want to intregrate then they should make a lot more of an effort to entwine themselves in the british way of life, maybe then the good old british public would not care what they wore as much.

they are there own worst enemy and this goverment panders to them.

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If people were fined in this country do you think the Mosques would have whip rounds and help with the fines ?


I have a feeling that a boat load of money would come from places like Suadi Arabia, along with a load of educational material about how to be a good Muslim with an anti western, anti belever overtone.

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out of interest PT, at what age do muslim children become responsible?


It varies from child to child, and it's own capacity for comprehension, but just prior to puberty generally seems to be the yardstick. (7/8 to 10 ish, is a rough guesstimate) Compared to the age of 10 being the generally accepted age of criminal responsibility here in the west.

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It varies from child to child, and it's own capacity for comprehension, but just prior to puberty generally seems to be the yardstick. (7/8 to 10 ish, is a rough guesstimate) Compared to the age of 10 being the generally accepted age of criminal responsibility here in the west.


so is that the age that muslims find acceptable for marriage too then? just curious as to the whole childbride thing with allah. is that why they married her to him because she was responsible or is it something else, sorry if that sounds ignorent but cannot think of anyother way of how to put it.

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I do not have a problem with muslim women wearing burkas or hijabs but I can see where "Norks" is coming from. Not being able to assess the way a person is feeling by facial expressions could lead to problems in conversation.. Live and let live but do your best not to alienate yourself or inflame other peoples feelings.

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