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Women who wear burkhas in public in France will be fined

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Some people DO think our country is at war with Islam (Islamic extremists and far right extremists for example), the loopy was for them, so if that is contrary to what you believe, it isn't aimed at you either.


So how has the Goverment inspired a media war on Islam?

The UK press are free from Government control and free from censorship.

Some people are right to think this country is at war with Islam based on views of some of people of this country.


The emphasis on Islam as the cause of terrorism is and was instigated by the Yankies and the British Government from the Twin Towers attacks. Every news report claimed it was Islamic terror that we were at war with when in reality it wasn't any more Islamic than it was Christian or Jewish terror. The people fighting the war machine of the Americans have always had a motives that were inspired by local events in the Middle East and not religion. The fact the majority of people living in the areas of interest to the Americans happen to be Muslims doesn't make it a religious war, but the media has portrayed those fighting back against invasion and suppression as doing it because of Islam. That is the media war I talk of. Most of your posts seem to suggest the same theme so I doubt whether you will even see the point I am making but we can only hope.


Bin Laden, Afghanistan, Iraq are excuses for totally unnecessary wars with countless loss of life and still the blame is on Islam as the cause of conflict.:roll: For people not to look at contrary evidence to the Government line is the media brainwashing Muslims react against. The unfairness of the war launched by the Americans is not only opposed by the Muslims but by most decent people of the world. Some Muslims however show their displeasure by taking up arms against aggression and become what we call terrorists, others making public statements, some by protesting on the street as Chaudary's group and very few even show it by how they dress.

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if the burkkha wearers were not complaining about it then it would not be an issue for some.


it is a statement which reads "look at me" when they wear them, just like the mankini would be.


if they want to intregrate then they should make a lot more of an effort to entwine themselves in the british way of life, maybe then the good old british public would not care what they wore as much.

they are there own worst enemy and this goverment panders to them.

You do have some reality issues and I am not in business of educating to such a basic level, so good luck to you, you'll need it;)
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so is that the age that muslims find acceptable for marriage too then? just curious as to the whole childbride thing with allah. is that why they married her to him because she was responsible or is it something else, sorry if that sounds ignorent but cannot think of anyother way of how to put it.


Childbrides? WTF are you talking about?? Who did Allah marry, exactly?


We've already had the facts on what are the legal minimum ages across the globe for marriage, absolutely done to death on other islam-slating threads of this ilk... Generally I'm hard-pressed to find any country with a legal marriageable age of less than about 14 or 15, and oddly enough, the two I can find that are 14, are south American, (Venezuela and Colombia)which the last time I looked weren't Muslim countries.


(Oh, and yes, it does sound very ignorant, in the light of the milliard debates on here, where this subject has all been raised and scotched, by the facts, in the past)

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You do have some reality issues and I am not in business of educating to such a basic level, so good luck to you, you'll need it;)




well if i have reality issues then i guess it must be the norm because there a millions of others who feel the same as i do, hey ho, i will never understand why we all cant just live n let llive ;)

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Childbrides? WTF are you talking about?? Who did Allah marry, exactly?


We've already had the facts on what are the legal minimum ages across the globe for marriage, absolutely done to death on other islam-slating threads of this ilk... Generally I'm hard-pressed to find any country with a legal marriageable age of less than about 14 or 15, and oddly enough, the two I can find that are 14, are south American, (Venezuela and Colombia)which the last time I looked weren't Muslim countries.


(Oh, and yes, it does sound very ignorant, in the light of the milliard debates on here, where this subject has all been raised and scotched, by the facts, in the past)



like i said before i am sorry if it sounded ignorant but we cannot all be learned in the ways of islam like you PT.

i was always taught that to beat ignoance then question the things you are ignorant in.


thnk you for your insightful and intelligant reply :)

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Childbrides? WTF are you talking about?? Who did Allah marry, exactly?


We've already had the facts on what are the legal minimum ages across the globe for marriage, absolutely done to death on other islam-slating threads of this ilk... Generally I'm hard-pressed to find any country with a legal marriageable age of less than about 14 or 15, and oddly enough, the two I can find that are 14, are south American, (Venezuela and Colombia)which the last time I looked weren't Muslim countries.


(Oh, and yes, it does sound very ignorant, in the light of the milliard debates on here, where this subject has all been raised and scotched, by the facts, in the past)


I stand corrected, I've just double checked, and I raise my hand on two points:-


one- Canada has an age as low as 14. in Iran, since the revolution, the age of marriage has been lowered to 15 for boys, 13 for girls.


two- re Iran- this is in Iran, we're talking about, here, so the fact that lunatics are running the asylum probably means anything goes.

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my mistake PT. it was muhammed who bedded the child. was that an illegal act then or just plain old child molestaion. as you have just said it is illegal in muslim countries for children younger than 14 to be wed... shall we take this to private chat as we are off topic on this thread and i would dearly like to know.

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Not sure re the emphasis on facial expressions - ever watched 'Poker Face'? I can be thinking the most 'imaginative' of thoughts whilst keeping a straight face


that's a thought, cressida:-


I wonder about how feasible it would be to go and play poker wearing a burqa. None of those rotten, give-away "tells" to clue your opponents up as to how good or bad your hand is... you could make a fortune! :D lol

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my mistake PT. it was muhammed who bedded the child. was that an illegal act then or just plain old child molestaion. as you have just said it is illegal in muslim countries for children younger than 14 to be wed... shall we take this to private chat as we are off topic on this thread and i would dearly like to know.


How do you know when he 'bedded' her. Just because he married her doesn't mean he 'bedded' her straightaway, before she was ready... or were you there, watching? :suspect:

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