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Women who wear burkhas in public in France will be fined

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How do you know when he 'bedded' her. Just because he married her doesn't mean he 'bedded' her straightaway, before she was ready... or were you there, watching? :suspect:


it is a long and complicated story but there is evidence to suggest he consumated the marriage before she had her first menstural cycle...



google is your freind.

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my mistake PT. it was muhammed who bedded the child. was that an illegal act then or just plain old child molestaion. as you have just said it is illegal in muslim countries for children younger than 14 to be wed... shall we take this to private chat as we are off topic on this thread and i would dearly like to know.


Firstly, I don't do PMs, norks.


Secondly. we've laboured the point, so many times, ad nauseum:- that under the laws of the times, it would not have been child molestation. You seem, in your eagerness to slate Islam, to forget that in different places, and different times, society operated in ways different than our own. Don't forget it was only in the last century and-a-half we've had laws in this "magnificent", world-conquering country of ours, that protect minors from being sold for the purposes of prostitution.


Thirdly, you, like others trot out the same tired "reasons" for slating Islam. why don't you, seeing as you have the benefit of the internet, try researching the good Islam brought? science, mathematics, medicine, etc?

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well if i have reality issues then i guess it must be the norm because there a millions of others who feel the same as i do, hey ho, i will never understand why we all cant just live n let llive ;)
Do you mean without demanding how everybody else should live and what they should wear? That would be nice, and just as it used to be.
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it is a long and complicated story but there is evidence to suggest he consumated the marriage before she had her first menstural cycle...



google is your freind.

When people try and tell lies then it often does become a long and complicated story, so you are not as ignorant as you seem after all. Have an agenda do you?
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that's a thought, cressida:-


I wonder about how feasible it would be to go and play poker wearing a burqa. None of those rotten, give-away "tells" to clue your opponents up as to how good or bad your hand is... you could make a fortune! :D lol


'Strip Poker' might cause a problem though!;)

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if the burkkha wearers were not complaining about it then it would not be an issue for some.


it is a statement which reads "look at me" when they wear them, just like the mankini would be.


if they want to intregrate then they should make a lot more of an effort to entwine themselves in the british way of life, maybe then the good old british public would not care what they wore as much.

they are there own worst enemy and this goverment panders to them.




if i have reality issues then i guess it must be the norm because there a millions of others who feel the same as i do, hey ho, i will never understand why we all cant just live n let llive



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PT, i am not an islam slater at all. ALL religions have a lot to answer for and in my opinion christianity is the worst of a bad bunch, however, people move to a place because they like the way of life there so if woman wanna wear burkkhas then maybe they should relocate to a place where the burrkha does not cause so much dispute.


i would love to have an intelligant non biassed chat with you PT so it is shame that you dont do pms.

unfortunatly i have to nip out now so will not be able to continue this disscussion for a while :)

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