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Women who wear burkhas in public in France will be fined

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it is a long and complicated story but there is evidence to suggest he consumated the marriage before she had her first menstural cycle...



google is your freind.


1) google also brings up evidence to say that the prophet's wife (PBUT) was possibly a little older than you suggest when the marriage was consummated. ( she was pubertal, at least) and that the marriage was transacted to form a tribal alliance of protection for her. (as was a common practice in the day)


2) very young ages at marriage were pretty commonplace centuries ago. Many kings and queens were wed as minors, (as I have shown in previous posts)


3) Another reason for early marriage was life expectancy and the need to produce as amny children as possible, in the short time, in order to have at least a couple surviving to take care of the parent.

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Some people are right to think this country is at war with Islam based on views of some of people of this country.


The emphasis on Islam as the cause of terrorism is and was instigated by the Yankies and the British Government from the Twin Towers attacks. Every news report claimed it was Islamic terror that we were at war with when in reality it wasn't any more Islamic than it was Christian or Jewish terror. The people fighting the war machine of the Americans have always had a motives that were inspired by local events in the Middle East and not religion. The fact the majority of people living in the areas of interest to the Americans happen to be Muslims doesn't make it a religious war, but the media has portrayed those fighting back against invasion and suppression as doing it because of Islam. That is the media war I talk of. Most of your posts seem to suggest the same theme so I doubt whether you will even see the point I am making but we can only hope.


Bin Laden, Afghanistan, Iraq are excuses for totally unnecessary wars with countless loss of life and still the blame is on Islam as the cause of conflict.:roll: For people not to look at contrary evidence to the Government line is the media brainwashing Muslims react against. The unfairness of the war launched by the Americans is not only opposed by the Muslims but by most decent people of the world. Some Muslims however show their displeasure by taking up arms against aggression and become what we call terrorists, others making public statements, some by protesting on the street as Chaudary's group and very few even show it by how they dress.

If people attack you 'In the name of Islam' then you can see the confusion.

You dont get suicide bomber videos that dont mention the holy Islamic war against the none believers. I dont see people on TV saying 'This is for Christ' ect.


What would you have the media report if its factualy correct ? Are these people Islamic fundimentalists or not ? The key word here is 'Fundimentalist' and I agree that we should not get hung up on the Islamic part but niether should they be expected not to report the fact.


I dont think that our media is anti Islamic altho the same could not be said for some US stations that have a right wing agenda, but they are not in the majority. The problem is with the west is the press have the freedom to see and say it how it is and dont have to tow the Gov or Religious line on things, so You will get some media (not so much here as I have said, altho we do get a lot of US media spilling over onto our shores) That will speak out against the seemingly injustices in Islamic way of life, like the treatment of women ect. If this is seen as anti Islamic then to some respect, on some small level it is but only where it is wrong reguarding human rights issues ect. Compare this to how anti western Islam is and there is no comparison.

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Not sure why muslims who practice traditions from their original country of origin would want to settle in westen europe states that do not have a muslim state. Why not send them back. Then they will have something to complain about.

What about respecting western values for a change. We want inter-gration not segregation. We should all live together but lets be fair covering a women from head to foot is wrong. Otherwise why are men not covered or children.


Here we go... :rolleyes:. For the benefit of your clearly extremely low IQ I'll say this slowly... maybe...they...didn't...'settle'...here...maybe...they...are...westerners...who...were...born...here...so...where...would...you...like...to...send...them...'back'...to...exactly...?...:huh:

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