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Women who wear burkhas in public in France will be fined

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A western country in the 21st century shouldn't be passing laws about what people choose to wear.
Whats good for the goose...





Why do people always have to put it to the west to lead the way ?


Wheres the topics from the Muslims on here condeming the middle east for being stuck in the past and not moving on ?

Thats exactly the problem, the west has and is trying to move on but we are being held back by things like the Burka that hold us (or should I say you) back in the middle ages.


If you condem the middle eastern countries for being stuck in the past and not moving forward you get condemed for meddling or being Anlti Islamic, but people are quick to say 'you cant say that, this is the west dont you know'

Why cant we ? if the majority of this nation wanted to ban the Burka lets say, then who would a minority of people who have choosen to live here be to have a say in the matter ?

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Whats good for the goose...





Why do people always have to put it to the west to lead the way ?


Wheres the topics from the Muslims on here condeming the middle east for being stuck in the past and not moving on ?

Thats exactly the problem, the west has and is trying to move on but we are being held back by things like the Burka that hold us (or should I say you) back in the middle ages.


If you condem the middle eastern countries for being stuck in the past and not moving forward you get condemed for meddling or being Anlti Islamic, but people are quick to say 'you cant say that, this is the west dont you know'

Why cant we ? if the majority of this nation wanted to ban the Burka lets say, then who would a minority of people who have choosen to live here be to have a say in the matter ?


I was completely unaware that the burkha had halted the progress of the entire nation in it's tracks. Thanks for enlightening me.

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France has banned it, the majority of French want it banned. I recon if a call was made for a ban in this country then it would go.


As we are democratic and its 1 man (or woman), 1 vote, I cant see a problem as I know where I would vote.

As its pointed out we are a western country in the 21st centuray and not a middle eastern one in the middle ages, I recon we have a right to ban it if the majority so wanted to.

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Wheres the topics from the Muslims on here condeming the middle east for being stuck in the past and not moving on ?


I dont think the forum membership is awash with Muslims, they're probably seriously outnumbered by non Muslims probably only 1% of whom contribute to threads of this nature.

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France has banned it, the majority of French want it banned. I recon if a call was made for a ban in this country then it would go.


As we are democratic and its 1 man (or woman), 1 vote, I cant see a problem as I know where I would vote.

As its pointed out we are a western country in the 21st centuray and not a middle eastern one in the middle ages, I recon we have a right to ban it if the majority so wanted to.


I think you might be suprised by the popular vote, the burka may well be anachronistic, but most British people aren't offended by something that has no bearing on how they live their own lives..most of us belive gratuitously banning something is absolutely undemocratic.

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Whats good for the goose...


Why do people always have to put it to the west to lead the way ?


Wheres the topics from the Muslims on here condeming the middle east for being stuck in the past and not moving on ?

Thats exactly the problem, the west has and is trying to move on but we are being held back by things like the Burka that hold us (or should I say you) back in the middle ages.


If you condem the middle eastern countries for being stuck in the past and not moving forward you get condemed for meddling or being Anlti Islamic, but people are quick to say 'you cant say that, this is the west dont you know'

Why cant we ? if the majority of this nation wanted to ban the Burka lets say, then who would a minority of people who have choosen to live here be to have a say in the matter ?


EH? what on earth are you talking about?


The last time I looked, we are not, in the UK, required by law to wear the burqa. We are free to dress as we please, so long as we do not flout the indecency laws.


Secondly, "The Majority" of the UK citizens AREN'T saying "ban the burqa". I think they are slightly above getting their knickers in a twist over what is, really, a non-issue. it's like being frightened of a polo-necked jumper, and demanding a crew-necked one, instead.


Thirdly, the wearing of the burqa - of the minority who do actually wear burqa - is surely their own choice, and a non-issue as regards anyone else.


I choose to wear flat, fairly sensibly designed shoes, rather than flimsy, fancy, high-heels as my balance when I try to walk is poor.


This has no effect on anyone else but myself, and is actually nothing to do with anyone else to dictate the style of shoe I choose to wear.

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France has banned it, the majority of French want it banned. I recon if a call was made for a ban in this country then it would go.


As we are democratic and its 1 man (or woman), 1 vote, I cant see a problem as I know where I would vote.

As its pointed out we are a western country in the 21st centuray and not a middle eastern one in the middle ages, I recon we have a right to ban it if the majority so wanted to.


and in a democracy, if the majority, democratic vote went against you, and showed your opinion up for the slavering Islamophobia that it undoubtedly is, will you then hush-up bleating?

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