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Women who wear burkhas in public in France will be fined

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The Birka is a none issue to yourself as a MUslim, not here anyhow. You either wear one or you dont.

But to many its a symbol of suppression and segregation and thats why I think people would ban it, the same reasons why they did in France. Not because they are anti Islamic but because it has no place in a western world where we are trying to promote intigration. The Muslims living here dont want to have this banned because the reality is that they do not wish to be intigrated, in fact its calls of assimulation that you tend to here. Get the none believers in from the house of war into the house of peace or something on tho's grounds.


What women fought and died for in this country to get them seen as equals and then we have to watch women walk around that are not allowed to be seen at all should be a slap in the face to anyone serious about western values.

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France has banned it, the majority of French want it banned. I recon if a call was made for a ban in this country then it would go.


As we are democratic and its 1 man (or woman), 1 vote, I cant see a problem as I know where I would vote.

As its pointed out we are a western country in the 21st centuray and not a middle eastern one in the middle ages, I recon we have a right to ban it if the majority so wanted to.


Western democracy isn't about the dictatorship of the majority (or more accurately the 30% or so of the population that actually vote for the government). What you are proposing is the slippery slope towards dictatorship.


I seriously suggest you read this article from the Sunday Times I linked to earlier.



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and in a democracy, if the majority, democratic vote went against you, and showed your opinion up for the slavering Islamophobia that it undoubtedly is, will you then hush-up bleating?
It would not and you know it. with the womens vote alone it would be won comfortabaly. if it was banned would you accept it and integerate more into a western sociaty or choose to move to a more suppressive place for women ?
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It would not and you know it. with the womens vote alone it would be won comfortabaly. if it was banned would you accept it and integerate more into a western sociaty or choose to move to a more suppressive place for women ?


Western society is founded on liberalism, which includes the idea that we should only impose restrictions in circumstances where there is clear evidence that it causes harm. Banning items of clothing then, is a step back from Western values, not an embracement of them.

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The Birka is a none issue to yourself as a MUslim, not here anyhow. You either wear one or you dont.

But to many its a symbol of suppression and segregation and thats why I think people would ban it, the same reasons why they did in France. Not because they are anti Islamic but because it has no place in a western world where we are trying to promote intigration. The Muslims living here dont want to have this banned because the reality is that they do not wish to be intigrated, in fact its calls of assimulation that you tend to here. Get the none believers in from the house of war into the house of peace or something on tho's grounds.


What women fought and died for in this country to get them seen as equals and then we have to watch women walk around that are not allowed to be seen at all should be a slap in the face to anyone serious about western values.


again, you are so wrong, about so many things.


No, I don't wear burqa, I wear hijaab, which is slighly different (A headscarf, rather than the full covering) but if it were my choice to wear a burqa in a free country such as ours, then


(SHOCK HORROR) it would be my choice.


it's no-one else's decision. it's mine.


it's no slap in anyone's face, for crying out loud. as the very freedoms these women supposedly died for was the freedom to make the choice of their own volition,, not for we, or they, to have the choice taken from us.


What's non-western about a female wanting to cover her body? I just don't get your mentality.


It's only a symbol of suppression and segregation to those who set out to make it so. Those who want to make an issue out of it.


Generally, on the whole, others just want to get on quietly, day by day, wearing whatever they wish, unaffected by, and unaffecting others.

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It would not and you know it. with the womens vote alone it would be won comfortabaly. if it was banned would you accept it and integerate more into a western sociaty or choose to move to a more suppressive place for women ?


the ban would make integration into society harder for the odd few women who are forced to wear burqa, as they would, effectively, be denied the ability to go out and about. Do you not think that this stupid and draconian idea would facilitate even more oppression against the least able? Has that thought not occurred to you? That without their burqa, their menfolk would be less likely to allow them to go outside?


No matter what law may be passed against the wearing of the burqa, all the legislation in the world won't alter the mindset of a tyrant. If the husband is oppressive, he will be oppressive no matter what.


and PS, I'm fully integrated into my society, I speak fluent English, I run my own affairs financially, and transact my own businesses, and travel independently. I am a stalwart in my local community, and work with the city council, and local transport.

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My gran wore a scarfe, I have no problem with that. But my grandad felt comfortable enough for people to see my gran so he didnt have her walk round in a balaclava.


I never said it wasnt your choice, I said you either wear one or you dont.

I am not saying you cant wear one now, Im suggesting we ban it so its not wearable in the future, like they have in France.


We Brits have always mocked the French as being cowardice, but I think they have gone on ahead on this one and its us that going to be trailing behind trying to catch up.

I never thought id say it, but I take my hat off to them ;) Now should be the time to take the Burka off with them too :P

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Wohoo - someone walked straight into the immigration, racism, bigotry, dictatorship thing here me thinks.


If we the British are against something Not British then here in Britain, then we are the scum of the universe. Unlike you lot I can only go on experience. Most of the people I talk to - from all parties - believe that anyone coming into Britain should follow our ways and our laws and rules. Most who I speak with believe that British custom is being swept under the carpet - especially by those who scream racism at the top of their voices as soon as someone disagrees with their non-British viewpoint.


Now I know for a fact that a female walking in the jewish sector of Israel is likely to be stoned if she is wearing a miniskirt or such. I know that other countries have dress codes they expect others to adhere to. But not us. We have to pander to everyone it seems.


Well I am sick and tired of it.


When I worked in a large supermarket we would ask someone to remove a crash helmet and they would invariably do so. If I ask someone to remove their Burka then I would soon be in trouble, and they would undoubtedly refuse.


You are talking nonsense with your claims that anyone who disagrees that they should ban the wearing of such items as illegal.


But what is the point in arguing about it. We are wrong and you lot are right. As is always the case. Hey ho!

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