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Women who wear burkhas in public in France will be fined

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I am not saying that, I am saying that wearing a Burka reminds women of times when it was nessersary and even compulsary to be covered, even here in this country. Femanists see it more as a symbol and one against what they struggled to free themselves of and another culture turning up with old values is something they feel strongly about.


I take it you're not even a female hard2miss, so it would be impossible for you to be a feminist, therefore I don't see how you can know what feminists all think. I don't know if I could say I was a feminist per se but I used to champion women's rights to anyone who'd listen and I think that should include being able to wear whatever you want. If the majority of feminists do see it as just a symbol of what they have struggled against then I would have to say that their thinking is backwards; if you are all for the rights of women how then can you support legislation that takes away one of their fundamental rights, the right to choose their clothing?


How can anyone be nieve enough to think tho its about only keeping the beauty of someone for one person, as if it would get wiped off the more eyes saw it ?


Ha, colour me naiive then hard2miss, because I actually believe that to be true myself.


Isnt it more believeable that a man would not want other men seeing his woman in case he wanted her ? and from days where there was no law/peace keepers, like the police force invented in this country, they were encouraged to not let other men see them in the first place and thus take away the temptation ?


I would say that respect for the marrage is something to do with it but not in the sense that we in this country would recognise.


No, I think it is more believable to take the word of muslim women rather than people who are offended by the burkha.

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As would a Muslim man on his Muslim wife ?
That is your own guesswork or conditioning as to this must be the only reason for a tiny percentage of Muslim women choosing to wear the burka. Majority of Muslim women do not wear the garb and are no less Islamic in their attitude and have no qualms about their sisters in religion wearing the clothing so what makes you more qualified and caring for the Muslim women than them hard2miss?

There is little difference in marital problems in Muslim society than marriages in any other society, and religion isn't always the cause of problems between husband and wife.

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I saw a TV interviewer talking to an French Muslim who said that she wore a burka because she didn't want all the men to be attracted to her. I hope that something she said was "lost in translation" because she must have been quite arrogant to think that all men would find her attractive. What is wrong with men finding women attractive? Or is there an implication that a woman's beauty make all men lose their respect of others and their self control? Are men that weak willed?


I find more than a few blokes attractive and they're not wearing burkas to stop me seeing their faces. From the sublime to the ridiculus - what about all muslims wearing burkas in the name of equality.

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There are some who regard women with face lifts and fake boobs as being oppressed by men who sexually objectify women, but I don't hear many seeking a ban on cosmetic surgery.


because you can still see their face thats why.

with a bukkha you see nothing but the eyes. it is oppresive and unnerving and should not be allowed.

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I saw a TV interviewer talking to an French Muslim who said that she wore a burka because she didn't want all the men to be attracted to her. I hope that something she said was "lost in translation" because she must have been quite arrogant to think that all men would find her attractive. What is wrong with men finding women attractive? Or is there an implication that a woman's beauty make all men lose their respect of others and their self control? Are men that weak willed?


Perhaps she was the most beautiful woman on the earth and all the men would be attracted to her and lose all self-control. In that case she would not be arrogant, simply realistic. You'll never know the truth though will you because she was in a burkha. :D

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Absolutely, but there are no Muslim men on this forum arguing that case-so we can tell him what an arse he is.

Well if thats the case we can only hope they drop on this topic Via google and know that people oppose it.


If I thought for 1 min that this was just a woman thing then I would not be within 100 miles of the topic.

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