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Women who wear burkhas in public in France will be fined

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It is only the fear of admiration that makes this appealing to some husbands.


I try to imagine how wearing one would have come about and why anyone would have thought it a good idea in the first place. I imagine that it came about from some sort of infadelity by women or maybe some by some being raped and when it was brought before the law (if thats what youd call it) they would have put it down as being a problem of the women and said to the hubby that maybe it be a good idea that they get covered up properly.


Here tho we have laws that are strong enough to bring people to justice and women are equal so there is no need to put all the enthasis on the women and blaim. People still try it on now tho when aqused of rape and the likes by using the defence 'she was asking for it' because she may have dressed in a seemingly provocative mannor or whatever, but its wrong and the law does not stand ofr it.

Here the law takes the view that a woman can dress as provocative as they want and men have no right to think they can do as they please with them. The courts here dont take the view that they should have been dressed from hear to toe and then it would not have happened.

Thats why it sticks in the throat of many femanists here, after all that was fought and won, they now see this as being draconian and as having no place in our sociaty.


'Scuse me, but it's not that long ago that a judge, here in the UK in charge of a rape case made a comment to the woman who had been attacked that she was to blame, ("was asking for it") for wearing a short skirt. (certainly within my 10 year old granddaughter's lifetime).


So, actually, the law in the UK is not as enlightened as you might like to think. It's only been made a crime for a husband to rape his wife since October 1991. That is less than 19 years ago, this law was finally enacted.


Even within the last six months (Aug 2009) an American judge was castigated for his treatment of a woman who came before his court with a complaint of rape. As recently as December 2007 a Canadian judge told an 18 year old woman who was raped that she was "stupid", for getting into the car of the person who raped her.

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They used to call it 'missionary zeal' in Africa ;)
The difference being I dont oppose this in the name of god, The people made to be wearing the burkas are probably have more in common with that sentance than I.


and People here are still fighting for the rights of Africans, a bit of that 'zeal' wouldnt go a miss in Zimbarbwe right now.

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The difference being I dont oppose this in the name of god, The people made to be wearing the burkasare probably have more in common with that sentance than I.


I can't believe that after all the time I've wasted on you you still force this misconception.

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I was responding to a post suggesting that women wear the burkha for reasons other than their own, similarly many women have plastic surgery at the behest of men or believing it makes them more attractive them.


Again that, to me, would be shallowness.


I know *I* would not allow a surgeon's knife within a mile of my body, no matter how "perfect" the surgeon might think he could make me. I'm perfectly satisfied with myself as I am. (plump and short!:D)


And I'll tell you this - the man who suggested I submit to the "knife" would find himself submitting to a knife, himself... Somewhere rather tender. lol


Back to the subject of rape:- rape is about exercising power over another, whether the "victim" (I hate that word) is male or female. It's about taking the sex, whether the other person is willing to participate or not.


It's not about a man who is so overcome with lust for a women of such beauty that he cannot contain himself and his lusts.

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'Scuse me, but it's not that long ago that a judge, here in the UK in charge of a rape case made a comment to the woman who had been attacked that she was to blame, ("was asking for it") for wearing a short skirt. (certainly within my 10 year old granddaughter's lifetime).


So, actually, the law in the UK is not as enlightened as you might like to think. It's only been made a crime for a husband to rape his wife since October 1991. That is less than 19 years ago, this law was finally enacted.


Even within the last six months (Aug 2009) an American judge was castigated for his treatment of a woman who came before his court with a complaint of rape. As recently as December 2007 a Canadian judge told an 18 year old woman who was raped that she was "stupid", for getting into the car of the person who raped her.


I would like to answer all of tho's points.

The judge in question was condemed for tho's comments as was all the others, they were not taken as universal thinking by any means.

You yourself say the American judge was castigated for it so what is your point ?

As for the Canadian judges comments I do not know of the case so perhaps he had some reasononing for saying that that we cannot know of without looking into it. Maybe she was stupid for getting into a car ? thats not to say he was condoning what happened to her.


All of tho's have no relivance what so ever to the post I put up. none of what tho's judges thought or said was taken as law or even taken seriously. Infact they were condemed for their suggestions so where are you coming from ?

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I cannot believe you dissmiss it as not happening just because you yourself are not subjected to it.


Its easy to make presumtions, but that goes both ways eh ?


Arrrghhh!! Read my past posts. I never said it doesn't happen, infact I blatantly said I condemn it where it does go on. The presumption comes from thinking everyone who wears a burkha is forced into it. Pay attention.

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Whats good for the goose...





Why do people always have to put it to the west to lead the way ?


Wheres the topics from the Muslims on here condeming the middle east for being stuck in the past and not moving on ?

Thats exactly the problem, the west has and is trying to move on but we are being held back by things like the Burka that hold us (or should I say you) back in the middle ages.


If you condem the middle eastern countries for being stuck in the past and not moving forward you get condemed for meddling or being Anlti Islamic, but people are quick to say 'you cant say that, this is the west dont you know'

Why cant we ? if the majority of this nation wanted to ban the Burka lets say, then who would a minority of people who have choosen to live here be to have a say in the matter ?


good point

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