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Women who wear burkhas in public in France will be fined

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The burqa is perceived as a security risk in public venues, to the same extent as a motorcycle helmet and other identity-concealing garments. The government is taking a measure, which it deems in the best interest of the public (all of the surrender-monkeys, including the couscous-eating ones) :P


There is no "Islam- and Muslim-hating", it would be quite rich coming from a country which historically has many more ties to, and interests in, Muslim countries than the UK, and wherein the Muslim community is much more active and better represented than in the UK :rolleyes:


To be fair, were the moderate muslim community co-operating more thoroughly for suppressing the terrorist threat in France and the UK (I believe, but am of course open to correction, that they are best-placed for on-the-ground intelligence), then I doubt the ban would have been considered to the extent that it has.


"Damned if you do and damned if you don't", springs to mind somehow.


Flame on :rolleyes:


Flame off!


Your comments hold no water whatsoever.


I repeat.


The french ban on the burqa has no philanthropism or altruism within it. A dictat that says "you shall not wear *X*," is no more benign than a dictat that says "you MUST wear *Y*!"

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Your comments hold no water whatsoever.
Why? Because I derailed your argument, by agreeing that it's not "a philanthropist or altruistic" measure indeed and pointing out that, quite on the contrary, it's a "security" measure?

The french ban on the burqa has no philanthropism or altruism within it. A dictat that says "you shall not wear *X*," is no more benign than a dictat that says "you MUST wear *Y*!"
Well, they have these too, after a fashion. It's called an ID card and the dict...sorry, law of land is that you must have it on your person at all times, so the police may inspect it upon request (kinda hard to do with a burqa on, though :huh: ...unless the burqa wearer will kindly uncover her head for the ID check, of course :thumbsup:).

Do you mean the French? That's a bit racist int it? Talk about having a mote in your eye, it's more like a plank in yours :hihi:
Xenophobic, actually. And yes, I did take offense. Edited by L00b
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Why? Because I derailed your argument, by agreeing that it's not "a philanthropist or altruistic" measure indeed and pointing out that, quite on the contrary, it's a "security" measure?

Well, they have these too, after a fashion. It's called an ID card and the dict...sorry, law of land is that you must have it on your person at all times, so the police may inspect it upon request (kinda hard to do with a burqa on, though :huh: ...unless the burqa wearer will kindly uncover her head for the ID check, of course :thumbsup:).

Xenophobic, actually. And yes, I did take offense.


No, you havent derailed any argument, loob.


Security- schmecurity. The burqa wasn't considered a security risk prior to 9-11, and. oddly enough, none of the perpetrators of 9-11 (or the attacks in the UK like 7-7) were committed by


a) females



b) burqa -wearers.


All we have done, in the UK, is transfer the rabidity, and scapegoating from the Jews, to the Blacks to the Irish to the Muslim, and particularly to the observant Muslim. The wearing of the burqa has become the Irish accent of the Nought-ies.


Like with passports, there is no problem with a woman who wears a niqaab or a burqa, publicly, being allowed to uncover her face in private, to confirm her identity, as per the method used in Airports and border control. (Which, incidentally works just fine)

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The burqa is perceived as a security risk in public venues, to the same extent as a motorcycle helmet and other identity-concealing garments. The government is taking a measure, which it deems in the best interest of the public (all of the surrender-monkeys, including the couscous-eating ones) :P


But it isnt illegal to wear a motorcycle helmet in a public place is it? The French are seeking to criminalise the wearing of the burka, however no such prohibition on motorcycle helmets exist.

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How many women in the UK habitually wear the Burqa? Anyone have any idea at all?


An extremely small minority of a small community, phan.


In my circle of friends/ acquaintances I can think of three or four who do, A mother-and-daughter, and another lady, for certain, all of whom are Saudi/ Yemeni. and, on the periphery, there may be one or two others...


Well, actually, thinking again, to correct myself, these ladies are actually niqaabi, that is, they wear the face-veil, rather than a burqa.


Once, when visiting me and my ex husband, the mother I mentioned above had the full face-veil on, (not even her eyes visible), but that was because she was in company of a man to whom she was not married (albeit escorted by her husband)


Most of the Muslim ladies I know wear hijaab, (the scarf) and there is a variety of ways they wear it, some tie it like a bandanna, some as an "old-fashioned" headscarf others wear it loosely draped as a shayla, and others wear it pinned round their head closely.

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The burqa wasn't considered a security risk prior to 9-11, and.
Muslim extremism was a much lesser threat prior to 9-11, and usually confined to the Middle East and Eastern Africa. It has internationalised since, the burqa issue is collateral damage (of the extremists' own doing, btw).

oddly enough, none of the perpetrators of 9-11 (or the attacks in the UK like 7-7) were committed by a) females or b) burqa -wearers.
Plenty of burqa-wearing female martyrs in Iraq, Afghanistan, Sudan and Yemen. And a corresponding body count of innocents in the hundreds, if not thousands. Lastly in Iraq, 41 dead yesterday if I remember right. Should we just wait for our first 'local', or be pro-active about it?

All we have done, in the UK, is transfer the rabidity, and scapegoating from the Jews, to the Blacks to the Irish to the Muslim, and particularly to the observant Muslim. The wearing of the burqa has become the Irish accent of the Nought-ies.
Nonsense. Jews, Blacks and Oirish are still getting it in the neck aplenty. Especially during harsh economical times. It's human nature (and I come from a long family of economical migrants, with first-hand experience of this fact at each generation).

Like with passports, there is no problem with a woman who wears a niqaab or a burqa, publicly, being allowed to uncover her face in private, to confirm her identity, as per the method used in Airports and border control. (Which, incidentally works just fine)
I don't see a problem either, with asking all persons wearing identity concealing garments to uncover their faces so long as they remain within a public place (airport and the like). Note that's any identity concealing garment, nothing to do with religious persuasion.


Fully in keeping with the Republic's motto, incidentally: Freedom, Kinship, Equality

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