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Women who wear burkhas in public in France will be fined

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Why do white middle class men think they have to get on their horse and free these muslim women who are enslaved to these wicked fanatic muslim men?


because the people who are against burkas already have this mindset about islam and the excuses make their mindset seem true.


strange how weve had people wearing burkas etc here for generations and nobody batted an eyelid till after 9/11, suddenly theyre all evil

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"cheese eating surrender monkeys". I offer an opinion and you reduce it to a racist comment. Detracts from anything you now have to offer


Isn't this the phrase that was doing the rounds when France were refusing to back the illegal war in Iraq and was followed by the renaming of french fries to freedom fries by the Americans?

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Why do white middle class men think they have to get on their horse and free these muslim women who are enslaved to these wicked fanatic muslim men?
I think that should read white middle class aged people, which probably describes majority of the complainants against the burka.:) You know the same ones who remember the days of no dark faces on British streets and wish to go back to pre 1948 days as if by magic, the same ones describing themselves as realists instead of racists. Edited by tab1
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What about the dehumanising of the women who would then no longer have the choice whether or not to wear it?


Dehumanising? Quite a strong word that.



•Dehumanization is the process by which members of a group of people assert the "inferiority" of another group through subtle or overt acts or statements.



•To take away humanity, to remove or deny human qualities, characteristics, or attributes


I can see how forcing somebody to wear an item of clothing, to single them out, would be dehumanising. But how is removing somebody's choice to wear something, or nothing, dehumanising when that restriction is applied equally?


We all accept limitation of choices, it's the price we all pay for membership of society.


If anything, it is the women that choose to wear the niqab/burqa that are dehumanising both themselves and the rest of us.


In telling a woman she cannot choose what outfit to wear, then that is making them inferior, surely?

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In telling a woman she cannot choose what outfit to wear, then that is making them inferior, surely?


I'm not for banning, but I am a pedantic so and so.


If the French ban applied to a women then yes, but it would apply to all women and men, so no.


It is no more making a women inferior than the smoking ban is making a smoker inferior, though both may claim unfair discrimination.


Dehumanisation is too emotive a word to use imho.

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