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Women who wear burkhas in public in France will be fined

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What is your evidence for this bizarre assertion?


I refer you back the previously mentioned discussion on this very subject where a Muslim woman was given the chance to show her identity to bank staff in a special room.


I am indeed ignoring the case of the chap who fled from justice wearing a burqa. Are you seriously suggesting we change the law because one bloke did it?


You ignore evidence that shows there is a gap in security because you are too afraid to annoy a tiny minority of people.

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I refer you back the previously mentioned discussion on this very subject where a Muslim woman was given the chance to show her identity to bank staff in a special room.




You ignore evidence that shows there is a gap in security because you are too afraid to annoy a tiny minority of people.


again ill say...........weve had people from burka wearing countries for generations now, why is it suddenly a major problem regarding security?

have they only just started using banks?

im sure people wearing burkas have been frequenting banks in places like pitsmoor and darnall for decades

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No, you havent derailed any argument, loob.


Security- schmecurity. The burqa wasn't considered a security risk prior to 9-11, and. oddly enough, none of the perpetrators of 9-11 (or the attacks in the UK like 7-7) were committed by

You cannot know this. You make thinks up to back up your arguments without one iota of fact. You cannot possibly know how people perceved the Burka prior to these times but your happy as Larry to state it and expect us to accept it ? :loopy:
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im sure people wearing burkas have been frequenting banks in places like pitsmoor and darnall for decades


I've never seen a burqa in Sheffield.


I saw the first niqab in Darnall in 2002.


Now I see about half a dozen each lunchtime.

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You cannot know this. You make thinks up to back up your arguments without one iota of fact. You cannot possibly know how people perceved the Burka prior to these times but your happy as Larry to state it and expect us to accept it ? :loopy:


i remember there wasnt mass hysteria, or news hysteria and countries threatening to ban the burka pre 9/11

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The Quran only urges Muslim men and women to dress and behave modestly in society. It does not tell you to cover up entirely so why wear a Burqa if it is not to segregate ones self from the outside world?


Many years ago when I was discussing this subject with a Muslim friend. We disagreed on many subjects but were good friends also. His response to the Burqa argument was this: "How would you like another man looking at your wife". Now this was an honest response from a practicing Muslim. His response astonished me as it would appear his opinion on the subject, and he was an intelligent guy of Bangladesh origin, was one of ownership and ideals that passed into history centuries ago in Europe.


I'm dumbfounded that supposed liberal people will fight for the right to step backwards to nothing more than out dated traditions that have no place in the UK or the rest of the western world.

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it means theres more...it doesnt mean theres more risk of danger


Just pointing out that your statement was incorrect. Nothing personal.


I'll ask the bank cashier at Darnall when she first had a niqab wearing customer if you like.

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