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Women who wear burkhas in public in France will be fined

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I'm dumbfounded that supposed liberal people will fight for the right to step backwards to nothing more than out dated traditions that have no place in the UK or the rest of the western world.


whys it backward? because we see ourselves as superior and more forward thinking?

why doesnt it have its place in the uk? its not for me but for those of that culture and religion if they want to do so then thats ok, they dont stop me wearing what i want, i dont stop them wearing what they want.


liberals are generally against banning the burka because that could be seen as a step backward............infringing on somebody elses freedom.....for NO REAL REASON, every arguement people put forward to me does NOT hold water


and i really really cant see in stopping somebodys freedom (in wearing what they want) helps stop people having their freedom taken away (as in stop people being forced to wear one) you dont stop oppression by creating a new oppression, instead as ive stated attack the oppression head on, and let those that WANT to wear one wear one

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Well yeah, but not one of the control freaks who want to ban it hs put forward any credible reason why it represents a security risk.
Well I know for a fact that its been posted and posted the reasons why and your just trying it on with the new posters. If you really wanted to know there is 30 odd pages in this topic and loads more topics simular where its been stated over and over.


So the freeks post their reasons but the dumb feckers cant seem to read what they put it seems.

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Thanks for admitting it. I will still ask though.

well i meant ALL of us actually, on both sides


so they dont use banks in firthpark/town/chapeltown etc:huh:


well you get the picture, i didnt actually want to write a great long list of ALL the places muslims may reside, still seems rather strange that its a problem thats only been around a few years, when burka wearing cultures have been living here for generations


Edited by melthebell
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They don't explain why it's a security risk. Perhaps you can?


There is a long list of reason here (http://www.danielpipes.org/blog/2006/11/niqabs-and-burqas-as-security-threats) which has already been linked by quisquose which lists everyday people encountering criminals using burqas to hide their identity. We do not tolerate hoodies, we do not tolerate motorcycle helmets, but the difference between a hoodie, motor cycle helmet and a Burqa is, you can only be accused of racism if you ask for a burqa to be removed.

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There is a long list of reason here (http://www.danielpipes.org/blog/2006/11/niqabs-and-burqas-as-security-threats) which has already been linked by quisquose which lists everyday people encountering criminals using burqas to hide their identity. We do not tolerate hoodies, we do not tolerate motorcycle helmets, but the difference between a hoodie, motor cycle helmet and a Burqa is, you can only be accused of racism if you ask for a burqa to be removed.


why dont we tolerate hoodies??

i see hoodies on buses, trains, in shops everywhere...with the hoods up

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