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Women who wear burkhas in public in France will be fined

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Errr... actually, we do. You can't go into a bank wearing a motorcycle helmet - because it's deemed to be a 'security risk'.


The burkha may be banned in France. France is another country. The British government doesn't make the laws there and if the French lawmakers wish to ban the burkha, that's up to them. Their country, they make the rules.


I very much doubt that the burkha will ever be banned in the UK. - The British government is pretty quick to pass laws which raise taxes, but otherwise, they aren't too quick.


By the time any British government got around to proposing a law which might ban the burkha, the opposition party and public opinion would have enough clout to block it. - There's more chance of the bikini being banned than the burkha.


If you go into a bank wearing a burka and they required you to lift the veil to ID yourself I don't think the burka wearers would object and that sounds like a more reasonable response to genuine security concerns than an outright ban which would be interpreted as persecution.

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If you go into a bank wearing a burka and they required you to lift the veil to ID yourself I don't think the burka wearers would object and that sounds like a more reasonable response to genuine security concerns than an outright ban which would be interpreted as persecution.


Are motorcyclists offered the option of removing their helmets (after they enter a bank) to identify themselves?


If you go into a bank wearing a crash helmet, I doubt that somebody is going to ask you nicely to take it off to ID yourself. If the bank has a security guard, it is likely that you will be forcibly ejected (only using the amount of force necessary, of course;)) If you bruise your bum when you land in the street, you will (I suspect) get little sympathy.


If the bank has 'other security measures' they may be operated and in the event that there should be a financial charge resulting from the use of such measures, do you think the bank would bear that charge if you (the guy in the helmet) turned out not to be a bank robber after all?


As has already been said (many times) on this thread, it's not really about 'security'nor is it anything to do with 'religion'. In Western culture, it is generally deemed to be rude to turn away from somebody when you are talking to them or to hide your face from somebody when you are talking to them.


Do you have children? Were you ever a child? What would you say to your child if he/she turned away from you when yu were talking to him/her? What would your mother have done had you turned your face away from her when she was talking to you?


Different cultures, different values. I have to put up with the cultural morés of the society in which I live. Well, I don't have to put up with them - I could always leave. But if I choose to act in a manner which my hosts (and I am an immigrant here) find offensive, then I can hardly complain if my rude and inconsiderate behaviour encourages them to treat me rudely, can I?


If a society is to be genuinely inclusive and welcoming to all people, then surely all the members of that society should do their best to act in a manner which will not cause offence to any of the other members of that society (including the existing or established members)?


Why should it be incumbent on the host members of the society to act in a welcoming manner to the newcomers without any matching obligation on the part of the newcomers to fit in with their hosts?

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As has already been said (many times) on this thread, it's not really about 'security'nor is it anything to do with 'religion'. In Western culture, it is generally deemed to be rude to turn away from somebody when you are talking to them or to hide your face from somebody when you are talking to them.


Is it appropriate in a liberal democracy to criminalise rudeness?


Do you not think it a little impertinent, perhaps, to suggest such a thing?

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Im English as they come and to be totally honest they put me about big time those woman with no face, its totally ridicolous, would they put up with us wearing football kits in there town?


I have not seen any reports of them objecting. :huh:

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