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Women who wear burkhas in public in France will be fined

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That's bullshine.


It shows that this is the most recent example that can be found, which, in fact, gives the lie to your assertions.


what lie? you said this happened in 2007 im telling you even then it was happening so no no lying :hihi:


you are inferring that it is a commonplace happening.


and I've disabused you of that idea, by pointing out the truth of the matter being that it happened four years ago. which can hardly be considered commonplace, or frequent.

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Oh my god.


You're all totally missing the point.


Yes, there are probably some Muslim women who shoplift.


But the idea we should make their outfit illegal because they shoplift in it is stupid.


Should we make Burberry illegal because violent yoot wear it?


Should we make football strips illegal because football hooligans wear them?


Should we make pairs of tights illegal because armed robbers could put them over their heads?



To hell with it, lets make everything illegal. You know, just in case.

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you are inferring that it is a commonplace happening.


and I've disabused you of that idea, by pointing out the truth of the matter being that it happened four years ago. which can hardly be considered commonplace, or frequent.

so how do you know thats its not ?do you now know that every robbery carried out in the uk is not carried out by people wearing burka s ?do you have proof of this ? pt your wasting your time with me on this i beleive this happens and you dont. i also think that burka wearing people commit crimes and you think they all angels you have your onesided view i have mine :hihi:
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people of all races, sex and gender shoplift.

we should not ban the burkha because some woman who wear it shop;ift.

we should ban the burkha because it segrigates the communities we are trying to bring together.

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i remember working in leeds on a building in the town centre turning it into a wine bar anyway we were working nights in the cellar with a roof height of 11 foot gunning the floor out not many blokes on the job when the gaffer comes and tells my mate to put his hard hat on .we were discussing that nothing was going to fall on us because there was a ceiling above us and nothing else when he said put it on or get off the job .we reluctanty agreed then my mate saw a turban wearing sikh on the job with guess what no helmet on so my mate pulled the gaffer who accused him of being a racist and mate replied if its good for us its good for him . the gaffer went on to tell us its about his religion and he dont have to wear one :huh:so my mate said so his religion allows him to wear leather trainers while we have safety boots on :loopy:


You're gaffer was requesting you put the hard hats on because of his responsibilities under health & safety regulations. If a delinquent spanner had conked you in the head, then you would have a claim against your employer because of it.


Although a turban isnt a hard hat it will offer some protection to that spanner, more than the wearer's bare bonce, but in any event if the health & safety regulations permit the wearing of turbans, then the employer isnt responsible for failing to ensure their employees safety.


Anyway, in what way was it 'racist'? Your mate resorted to that word rather easily.


What were you and your colleagues complaining about? The fact you had to wear something on your head or the fact another worker was wearing a turban? Did you offer to wear a turban instead? I'm sure your employer wouldnt have been able to object to that.


Incidentally what do leather trainers have to do with anything? Wearing work boots on a building site is just common sense, so more fool the Sikh in trainers.

Edited by boyfriday
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so how do you know thats its not ?do you now know that every robbery carried out in the uk is not carried out by people wearing burka s ?do you have proof of this ? pt your wasting your time with me on this i beleive this happens and you dont. i also think that burka wearing people commit crimes and you think they all angels you have your onesided view i have mine :hihi:


Well, you are certainly trying to prove the point that you cannot educate meat...


You insist on coming out with the biggest load of unsubstantiated cobblers, this side of easter, but won''t listen to reason.

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So would remove the freedom of a certain section of society because they don't talk to you? I don't understand why you think that banning something cultural will make anyone more likely to talk to you.


And "bringing together" does not mean "make them more like us", as you seem to think.


it has got nothing to do with removing a certain section of society because they wont talk to me. that is ridiculous. however, banning something which causes segrigation yes.

they make themselves unapproachable and it is rude. if they wanted to fit into society they they would make more of an effort to fit in. they are just being ignorent. they do not want to be approached that much is very clear.

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You're gaffer was requesting you put the hard hats on because of his responsibilities under health & safety regulations. If a delinquent spanner had conked you in the head, then you would have a claim against your employer because of it.


Although a turban isnt a hard hat it will offer some protection to that spanner, more than the wearer's bare bonce, but in any event if the health & safety regulations permit the wearing of turbans, then the employer isnt responsible for failing to ensure their employees safety.


Anyway, in what was it 'racist'? Your mate resorted to that word rather easily.


What were you and your colleagues complaining about? The fact you had to wear something on your head or the fact another worker was wearing a turban? Did you offer to wear a turban instead? I'm sure your employer wouldnt have been able to object to that.


Incidentally what do leather trainers have to do with anything? Wearing work boots on a building site is just common sense, so more fool the Sikh in trainers.

that my point bf the gaffer called my mate a racist and i dont know if wearing a turban is accepatble for health and safety .the point of the trainers were they not an accepatble form of footwear for the building industry but the gaffer never pulled him up on it ?

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yes. i too have seen the security guards do their job with the typical white chav shopl;ifters which makes it all the more blood boiling when they do nothing to the burkha wearers and do you know why??? because they are afraid of the comebacks they will get from touching a muslim female.

its sickening!




Tally ho norks, you're on great form this morning! ;)

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