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Women who wear burkhas in public in France will be fined

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Well, you are certainly trying to prove the point that you cannot educate meat...


You insist on coming out with the biggest load of unsubstantiated cobblers, this side of easter, but won''t listen to reason.

and you for one allways listen to reason :huh: and the term is you cant educate pork but i guess you cant even say the word now you being a muslim :hihi:
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that my point bf the gaffer called my mate a racist and i dont know if wearing a turban is accepatble for health and safety .the point of the trainers were they not an accepatble form of footwear for the building industry but the gaffer never pulled him up on it ?


It has been possible to get protective trainers for at least ten years.


We supplied our lads with free ones.

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that my point bf the gaffer called my mate a racist
Sorry got hold of the wrong end of the stick there ricgem, it was a legitimate question to ask and all your gaffer had to say was the blokes turban offered him accepted protection against things landing on his head, no further explanation or argument was necessary.

and i dont know if wearing a turban is accepatble for health and safety .

It must be as employers would not expose themselves to potentially multi million pound litigation in the event of a Sikh being killed by a brick falling from a great height.


If it was a case of Sikh's failing to comply then they would be unemployable in the construction industry wouldnt they?

the point of the trainers were they not an accepatble form of footwear for the building industry but the gaffer never pulled him up on it ?

...and why do you think the Sikh was allowed to wear trainers and others weren't? As far as I know it isn't a religious requirement for Sikhs to wear leather Nike's.


Believe me the risk of being sued because you failed to ensure the safety of an employee as set in the health & safety rules, far outweighs any sensitivity issues about addressing the mode of dress with people that work for you...think about it!

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it has got nothing to do with removing a certain section of society because they wont talk to me. that is ridiculous. however, banning something which causes segrigation yes.

they make themselves unapproachable and it is rude. if they wanted to fit into society they they would make more of an effort to fit in. they are just being ignorent. they do not want to be approached that much is very clear.


drivel, dear.


I bet when you go abroad you are the one speaking to the natives in very loud, slow English, and dining in the Egg-and-chips bar.

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it has got nothing to do with removing a certain section of society because they wont talk to me. that is ridiculous. however, banning something which causes segrigation yes.
Should we ban the BNP because they're segregationists? Of course not.


they make themselves unapproachable and it is rude.

There are lots of old men who wield their shopping trollies aggresively at pedestrians, should we ban Farah trousers?

if they wanted to fit into society they they would make more of an effort to fit in.

..what is fitting in, embellishing your body with tattoos and body piercings? Or wearing visible thongs that guillotine the arse crack? Those ubiquitous Farah trousers and M&S anoraks? What is the 'uniform' of UK PLC?

they are just being ignorent.

I hope the delicious irony in that statement was deliberate.
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drivel, dear.


I bet when you go abroad you are the one speaking to the natives in very loud, slow English, and dining in the Egg-and-chips bar.


See what I mean by Emotive and Logical now folks..? I just nearly wet my pants at that post Plain Talker.. Steady on that poster.. Meeeee Owwwwww. :)


Thanks for the giggle though. ;)

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