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Women who wear burkhas in public in France will be fined

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I believe that everyone has the right to wear (within reason) whatever they choose to wear, and that an outright government ban would be totally wrong.




I work in Meadowhall, and on a daily basis see security guards asking boys, girls, men and women to remove hats and hoodies etc as they restrict the view the cctv cameras get of peoples faces.

I would imagine this is mainly aimed at teenagers in hoodies/ baseball caps, but to be seen to be fair they have to ask other groups of people too.

One actually asked my 12 year old to remove his woolley hat a couple of weeks ago, as a group of 4 or 5 ladies in burkhas walked past.

If shopping centres etc make rules, I believe they should extend to everyone, or whats the point?


Perhaps its required of you and the vast majority of law abiding citizens to vote with our feet and stop visiting places where we're merely eye candy for the telephoto lens of the cctv camera and the spotty youth who operates it.


Just because a security guard demands we remove our hats in shops doesnt make it right or a valid contribution to wider social commentary, it just reinforces my view that we're herded and treated like sheep.

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Transpires that the wife of the man who was refused French citizenship was French. This means that by forcing her to wear the burkha he was in effect telling her that freedom of choice in her native country must subordinate itself to the beliefs practiced in his country of origin. This man obviously thought little of and disrespected the culture of his adopted country


I assume that Muslims move to Europe in seach of a better life which they cannot achieve in their own countries but some of them seem to think that they can physically live in Europe and mentally remain in the middle east which is completey unrealistic.


They need to understand and practice the European mentality of "freedom of choice in dress, religion, political and sexual belief" These are basic democratic western ideals.

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seems to me there now seems to be a massive opposite race card that gets pulled these days on here.

now whenever you say something its immediately "oh therell be called a racist if........."


Course there is - not that anyone gives a monkeys nuts about it. The point is that lots of people worry that if they say something that can be taken as racist then it will be taken that way - regardless of whether such was intended. For you lot who are so liberal you embarrass even the liberals - it's your ace in the hole - and the rest of us are damned if we do and damned if we don't.


Anyhow - you are just going round and round in circles with the same verbal claptrap as ever on this type of thread. The point is - as has been shown on other threads - we are not allowed to wear anything we like. Wearing a t-shirt with anything on it someone may consider offensive is a sure way to get some idiot reporting you to the police who will then follow up the complaint.


If we have a dress code - as in schools - then that should apply to everyone.


But round and round she goes. Where she stops - everyone knows.

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Transpires that the wife of the man who was refused French citizenship was French. This means that by forcing her to wear the burkha he was in effect telling her that freedom of choice in her native country must subordinate itself to the beliefs practiced in his country of origin. This man obviously thought little of and disrespected the culture of his adopted country


I assume that Muslims move to Europe in seach of a better life which they cannot achieve in their own countries but some of them seem to think that they can physically live in Europe and mentally remain in the middle east which is completey unrealistic.


They need to understand and practice the European mentality of "freedom of choice in dress, religion, political and sexual belief" These are basic democratic western ideals.


How ironic is that? Tell me Harleyman, how does banning people from wearing what they choose reinforce the 'European mentality' (?) of freedom of choice in dress?

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All very interesting points of view but I think a real cause for concern regarding female attire, and surely a cause for the introduction of a system of fines and rehabilitation, is the frankly baffling phenomena of the wearing of tight hipster jeans combined with a short t-shirt by the BMI challenged population. :D

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How ironic is that? Tell me Harleyman, how does banning people from wearing what they choose reinforce the 'European mentality' (?) of freedom of choice in dress?


Who said the woman wanted to wear a burka? She was doing to subject to the will of her husband. Why are you having difficulty with this? The woman should have been allowed to choose - not forced to wear something just because of her husband's religion.

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Course there is - not that anyone gives a monkeys nuts about it. The point is that lots of people worry that if they say something that can be taken as racist then it will be taken that way - regardless of whether such was intended. For you lot who are so liberal you embarrass even the liberals - it's your ace in the hole - and the rest of us are damned if we do and damned if we don't.


Anyhow - you are just going round and round in circles with the same verbal claptrap as ever on this type of thread. The point is - as has been shown on other threads - we are not allowed to wear anything we like. Wearing a t-shirt with anything on it someone may consider offensive is a sure way to get some idiot reporting you to the police who will then follow up the complaint.


If we have a dress code - as in schools - then that should apply to everyone.


But round and round she goes. Where she stops - everyone knows.


there we go again, the proverbial YOU, not US


WE ALL go round in circles on these threads, this threads been going around in circles since about the 2nd page.

its NOT just the "liberals" you know, that are saying the same old crap, its US ALL

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Who said the woman wanted to wear a burka? She was doing to subject to the will of her husband. Why are you having difficulty with this? The woman should have been allowed to choose - not forced to wear something just because of her husband's religion.


not ALL are forced, some choose for religious and cultural reasons.

Again, why take away somebodys choice when you could just attack the force issue head on and then everybody would be happy (well apart from those who have an affront to the burka no matter what the execuse) people wouldnt be forced AND people could choose to wear it if they so wished

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well maybe thats an issue with over zealous security rather than burka wearers?

you might be right but i think also that no one seems to dare question the burka wearers in fear (if any) of repurcussions.now unless we have a security guard/bank worker who can clarify what their procedures are on tackling burka wearing people we never going to know. that is of course the said securityguard/bank worker actually knows the procedure :huh:

Edited by Hecate
fixed quote tags.
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Who said the woman wanted to wear a burka? She was doing to subject to the will of her husband. Why are you having difficulty with this? The woman should have been allowed to choose - not forced to wear something just because of her husband's religion.


Indeed - and those who are suggesting a ban are threatening to deny them the choice.

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