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Women who wear burkhas in public in France will be fined

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Technically, the country (as in "the State") is completely secular. Always has been since the Revolution, and ferociously so where the state education system is concerned (the veil affair, premise to the current burkha affair, started in schools - where Christian crosses had long been objected to, for exactly the same reason and with the same vehemence).


The only minor exception (there must always be one to confirm any rule :D) is in both departments of Alsace and the department of Moselle, where priests are still remunerated as civil servants (after some Germanic laws maintained 'exceptionally' after the 2 annexions). I don't mind, as it's also the only 3 departments in France where Boxing Day is an official holiday (still due to the same obscure laws inherited from Germany).


very interesting cheers

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You know what would be funny, if they all removed them and were pig ugly and they had to rush in a law to demand they put them back on :hihi:
It's got nothing to do with looks and everything to do with Liberty, Equality and Fraternity. A country like France can't seem to be accepting any cultural mores which discriminate against either sex. The main things that hold us back are that, unlike almost every other civilised country, we've never had a Constitution and hence no proper rights, and we've allowed a load of Halibut clones to take over the running of the country. Maybe it'll be diffeent now we're not sovereign anymore?


No one's stopping anyone covering their head and body, just not allowing people to cover their faces in public places. And that would include Lady Gaga, Madonna, Michael Jackson and Cylcone in his balaclava. I think they're doing the right thing,

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Well I am a woman, an atheist, and French.

When I went to school Muslim girls were not allowed to wear headscarves, because they say religion doesn't have a place in schools.

I've got issues with the burqa, I am not comfortable with it. I just don't get it.

Then again, I'm not keen on skirts so short they look like belts, especially on ladies who can't really carry it off.

So because I don't like it, it should be banned?

Maybe I should demand that all women wear longer skirts too?

What people wear is their business.

I can always look the other way if I'm THAT bothered.

Or stay at home.

People shouldn't have to adapt to my tastes or anyone else's.

Edited by carmencarter
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Has everyone forgotten about the man who fled the country dressed as a woman wearing a burqa after killing a female police officer.


..and that was the most spectacular lapse in security ever. Burqa wearers are not exempt from having their identities established at passport control.

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