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Women who wear burkhas in public in France will be fined

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For once in my life can you please give me a real example of this hackneyed old garbage about Muslims trying to impose their beliefs on society?



Go on, I dare you. When did a Muslim last try and force their values on you?


Can't be difficult, so tell me.


Don't they force western women to wear headscarves in many muslim countries and lock people up if they drink alcohol?

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I think the French might just be trampling on their own constitutional ideas of freedom by banning it. They're getting themselves into a quagmire by seemingly saying what's right to wear and not to wear although in some matters the right of schools to require their students to wear a uniform or at least to fully bare their faces is a sensible and reasonable one
Can I just point out that there are no uniforms at all in French (State) schools, in comparison to school-specific uniforms worn by kids in the UK.


But there are extremely strict guidelines prohibiting ostentatious religious accessories/displays/garments in State schools, dating back to the early 1900s. Whereby the "Scarf affair" some years back, and the ensuing "Scarf Law" of 2004.

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Don't they force western women to wear headscarves in many muslim countries and lock people up if they drink alcohol?


They certainly do, but personally I dont see that as any justification to treat people oppressively just because other countries do.

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Don't they force western women to wear headscarves in many muslim countries and lock people up if they drink alcohol?


Alcohol? it all depends on how rigid the country is, and where the alcohol is being drunk. If it's in private, and behind the closed gates of the compounds where the westerners live, and not in "public" then the authorities may take a more lenient view.


Headscarves? Yes, it's true that in places like Saudi, even a western woman is expected to cover appropriately if she is out in public.


oh, and Hi, phil, welcome back... it is you, isn't it, again?

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And as soon as you have nothing useful to add that is not the same diatribe you resort to insulting a person.


Incidentally, you'll have to look hard to find instances of me gratuitously insulting someone on here..if you believe there was something insulting in my post you cant be a native Sheffielder, we generally take fun poking as part of the game, ricgem fully appreciates that and participates in the 'game'.

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Which is fine - the question was about being forced in THIS country.


I notice norks did not manage to actually come up with an example (and no, being able to hear them praying and/or the call to prayer does not mean that anything is being forced on you)




And i know you keep missing this point so i will spell it out for you - that is evidence of YOUR ignorance and/or refusal to approach someone, it has nothing to do with them being ignorant, it is you.




mmmm so what is it then. if i complain i am racist and unfortunatly i dont have super human powers to enable me to switch of my hearing, therefor it IS being forced. maybe not in the sense you are on about but it is still forced.

as for the burkhas they are plain offensive.

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mmmm so what is it then. if i complain i am racist
You would only be racist if the nature of your complaint was racist-yes? If you owned a shop and demanded that people revealed their faces in order to be served that wouldnt make you a racist and burka wearers could choose whether they patronised your business.


Your observation is another example of the introduction of the reverse race card, it kills the debate stone dead-just like it does when ethnic minorities play it without justification.


and unfortunatly i dont have super human powers to enable me to switch of my hearing, therefor it IS being forced.

But it's a fatuous point, if you can hear a call to prayer (where in Sheff is this? Ive never actually heard it to be honest) you can hear traffic noise and all the other audible pollution that is a feature of modern life.


as for the burkhas they are plain offensive.


They're incongruous, but I wouldn't say they're offensive as they're not intended to cause offence.


If part of the design included a motif proclaiming 'death to British disbelievers' then I would be calling for a ban on them faster than you would.

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