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Women who wear burkhas in public in France will be fined

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maybe women who wear mini skirts in the U.A.E Lebanon Turkey should start being fined cosidering mini skirts are equally offensive in the Muslim world.


That is indeed the consequence of arguing for bans on burkhas.


The consistent response is to oppose bans on clothing wherever they are found.

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Im a bit confused, are you saying that we shouldnt get irate about people who want to wear a scarf or we should stop them from doing so?


No that would be stupid :D


I am saying that they can choose to restrict you wearing things if they want but told about the scarf in court to show that in other instances they choose not to and thus lend the argument of double standards.


But my point is about restriction and not wanting to ban



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Wonder what would happen if say we did team up with the French and create a coalition army and some of our armed forces were Muslim women that wore Burkas ?


Do you think they would be accepted on French soil ? and if so would they eligable for the 'special forces' given they already would have the head gear ? :D

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I am saying that they can choose to restrict you wearing things if they want but told about the scarf in court to show that in other instances they choose not to and thus lend the argument of double standards.

Well they're exemptions on religious grounds which benefit Christians, Muslims & Jews as I illustrated earlier.


It's a pretty juvenile argument if the rest of us complain that we're grievously disadvantaged by being required to remove hats and other headcoverings when in court.


However rather than arguing that concessions are made for religious people, I'd rather see courts having to justify their reasons for dictating how people dress whilst within them.

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I'm a bit fick me so let me see if I get this right. It is perfectly fine for other countries to have laws about dress - so women have to wear scarves or are not allowed to wear skirts shorter than knee length, but it is wrong for us to attempt to impose any sort of dress code? So - if its an eastern or third world country then such laws are fine, but not for us?


Would that be because we are more civilized? More intelligent? More fair? Or more gullible?


Are people saying that we should not have a dress code because we are superior to these other countries that do have them, and that is why we should continue as we are - basically being door mats for everyone under the sun - as long as the person doing the walking in not British?


Just wondered about the thoughts of people who support the wearing of such garments in the UK.



Sorry, who says its ‘perfectly fine’ for other countries to have laws governing what women wear? I think its wrong.


Men of Britain: stop slapping yourself on the backs because your country ‘allows’ its women to wear what they want.


Women in this country fought long and hard for the right to self-determination. Now I will support groups that help women out of situations where they are being forced to wear or do things against their will, but I do not agree that you can achieve anything by making something illegal to force people to be free.


Nor do I believe in making something illegal because it


- makes you feel uneasy

- could be used by a criminal

- divides society


The idea that if you against a ban you are 'supporting the wearing of such garments' is ridiculous.

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I gave up on this thread a while ago and just returned to see whether anything new had been posted. It hasn't. Same old same old.
Me too. I'd got to the point where I was even boring myself so I can't understand why the same old people are still adding to this thread, with the same old rhetoric. After all, how many times can you repeat the same thing? :suspect:
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