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Women who wear burkhas in public in France will be fined

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I will call you a pratt and you have the right not to respond, but will you exercise that right?


Well I'll only respond to say you're perfectly entitled to hold that opinion, oh and 'pratt' only has one 't' ;)

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Well I'll only respond to say you're perfectly entitled to hold that opinion, oh and 'pratt' only has one 't' ;)


Hey - typos happen to everyone at some time or other. Laziness also had a hand in it - so what the heck. If the extra 't' made my post illegible then I appologise profusely. :hihi:

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Hey - typos happen to everyone at some time or other. Laziness also had a hand in it - so what the heck. If the extra 't' made my post illegible then I appologise profusely. :hihi:


Obviously caught you in a lazy, typo kind of mood again..but Im generous enough to decipher the hidden meaning, although Im guessing you're not chucking compliments in my direction! :D

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'Apologise' only has one 'p' :)


Thanks for that. It's one of those words I always get wrong and I shouldn't. Thank hades that when I actually type some important document I have the spell checker switched on. At least I can spell diarrhoea. :hihi::hihi:

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Obviously caught you in a lazy, typo kind of mood again..but Im generous enough to decipher the hidden meaning, although Im guessing you're not chucking compliments in my direction! :D


I'm not chucking serious insults in your direction either. Hey ho! Sometimes we disagree but it's only a discussion. For all I know you may be completely different in real life - you may even be quite a pleasant person. :hihi:


I don't use a spell checker on sf, but appreciate my typing errors being pointed out as eventually spelling things correctly that I have problems with will sink in. Another one is necessary and necessarily. The first I think I have cracked - the second - no idea really. :help:

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LOL, you and my ex wife share a common bond Dragon of Ana :D


Possibly one of the most pleasant aspects of discussions on SF is that you can be in a proper barny with someone one minute, and you may not agree with the person - but at the end of the day it is just a discussion on a web site, and most of us are not going to go to war over what is said.

The personal insults are a bit un-necessary, but they happen in the heat of the moment.


At the end of the day - you have your views and I have mine. Not a problem for me. I think there are some sensible adults around. So it's back to the Grahame threads for me - cos all that name calling is making me laugh and I need a good laugh.

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