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Eating out of date frozen meals

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I have a few frozen meals in my freezer with the date Nov 2009 on them, On the back of the box it says to eat them within a month.


As they are 2 months out of date and have been kept frozen are they safe to eat? Or is it too risky?


They are mainly things like sausage & mash and steak & mash.

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I'd eat them. It's blown cans and old jars of food you need to watch for because of botulism. And mysterious old kippers from the depths of the freezer - don't eat those, I learned the hard way.


Oily fish never freeze well - I tink it denatures the oil and gives a very rank flavour.

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Very good question.


For Frozen food, Nov 2009 you are LAUGHING. I wouldn't think twice to use something only a month or two out of date from the freezer.


The answer seems to vary a lot with generation. My dear mum knew a time when tinned foods had no use by dates on, they were generally considered to last a lifetime. She's served me 3 year old rice pudding from a tin, and whilst it comes out in a congeiled block, it cooks down properly and tasted like it was bought that day.


I think there is a similar thing with frozen stuff, but not sure. Before Christmas I was having a freezer clearout and had quite a lot of top draw steak that had slipped to the back.... Frozen use by was August 2008. My mum reckons there was probably nothing wrong with it, she'd have 100% cooked it and ate it. So for frozen I don't know where you draw the line... couple of months no bother but a year and half I wouldn't have.


Was I right or was I a wasteful fool?

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