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Wild camp on Kinder


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I might be up and around there this Sunday as I am unable to get to Shamblers walk. More than welcome to join me :)


But you can get there on public transport AO - no. 19 from Rotherham. We always try to make as many walks as possible available by public transport so that if there are more walkers than car spaces, everyone can get there :)

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Oh you lot are a friendly bunch!


I tend to stick to myself on walks as I have a dog that does not like other dogs :lol: and I tend to walk fast while large walking groups tend to amble. Weridly I find it quite uncomfortable to walk slowly if that makes sense? It makes my hips hurt :lol:


Hope you enjoy your walk today. Roche Abbey is a nice walk, done a few summer walks around that area. I'm off out now myself.

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Get thi sen up theer whil't sno lasts.


Not sure about wild camping in snow, I was out up in peaks today and it made for an interesting trek. Good job I had a compass cos it was a total white out up there, with no visable features to be seen.


Anyhow, I am inspired to do the whole wild camping shenanigans. Come spring, I shall be heading off with just my rucksack and a few essentials for a long weekend. No tent, just me and my limited but useful survival knowledge. Happy days!!

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Great pics. Nothing quite beats a wild camp with the whole hill to yourself!


You're not wrong. I am going to plan some wild camps for spring, to cover the entire weekend. A couple of days walking with a bit of wild campig thrown in also.


Let me know if you guys would be interested :)

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just thought I would let you know that wild camping is frowned upon on Kinder Scout and the park rangers could ask you to move on. Now if you want to wild camp try doing a holiday in the Scottish Highlands, where it's o/k to camp anywhere within reason.

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just thought I would let you know that wild camping is frowned upon on Kinder Scout and the park rangers could ask you to move on. Now if you want to wild camp try doing a holiday in the Scottish Highlands, where it's o/k to camp anywhere within reason.


Thanks for the information. I have done a bit of reading re: laws and codes of conduct. Indeed, Scotland seems the place for it, and I hope to get up there at some point (finances permitting). If I do a spot down here, then it will be somewhere very discreet away from walkers etc. I one or two good caves to reside in over night, but it would be a case of late arrival and early depart.

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Can i just point out i'm well aware of the laws surrounding wild camping but also feel if it's done responsibly there's no problem (other than in law).


When i do camp i uphold the unwritten rules fastidiously, pitch as late as possible and strike camp at sunrise, also, and most importantly LEAVE NO TRACE YOU WERE EVER THERE, other than a few footprints you'd never know i'd been there to be honest, well i wouldn't want you to would i, you might nick my spot.

Oh, and very importantly, no fires.

To be honest i feel the law on wild camping is no more valid than the laws that used to prevent us roaming and i certainly don't feel like a criminal ignoring the law, well no more a criminal than dear old Benny Rothman was, bless him.

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