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Best company to work for in sheffield?

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Originally posted by dinkdankdo10

what u do joyphil ?


I write magazine features, usually with a motoring orientation. Kinda like Jeremy Clarkson, but without the huge fees and unaccountable fame. Oh, and I actually write my own stuff.

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im so envious, im 25 and have a relatively good job but zero satisfaction which is now seriously effecting every part of my life, i hate getting up ina morning and sunday nights are beginning to become unbearable !


trouble is i dont know what i want to do or where to turn, i keep hopping jobs but need to stop !!!!


i do feel as though id love to set up on my own, but maybe have dream beyond my station, i would like to open a bar (god knows sheffield needs a good one) or cafe even, im currently redevloping my own hosue and have enjoyed that btu with the property market as it is now im unsure thats a sensible area to move into ......


how did u take the dive ?

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Originally posted by Joelc

*spits coffee at monitor...


Would you please tell them I'm happy with the IT supplier I'm using, and I dont need to be phoned once a months "just to make sure".




You sure we can't sell you anything ???? I'll call you next month to change your mind

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Originally posted by dinkdankdo10

im so envious, im 25 and have a relatively good job but zero satisfaction which is now seriously effecting every part of my life, i hate getting up ina morning and sunday nights are beginning to become unbearable !


trouble is i dont know what i want to do or where to turn, i keep hopping jobs but need to stop !!!!


how did u take the dive ?


It only took a few months on a magazine to realize that I might be a fool, but I couldn't possibly be as big an idiot as my editor. I winged it, and got lucky. But I feel that if you don't overstretch yourself financially, you're prepared to work like hell when necessary and you never, ever compromise your integrity, you're probably going to do okay. I've been freelance since 1999 and while it isn't always ideal, it beats working for halfwits.

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I recently finished Uni and have spent the last few years working for many companies in order to earn money. My first job paid £2.50 an hour and left me exhausted! I then went to work for a well known supermarket, where after being sick for one day was called into the office and given a warning for attendance, and was also made to empty my pockets and take off my shoes on a random staff search. Going back to Uni soon for post grad and have just finished working as part of a sales team where I have spent the last few months cold calling, hot calling and lukewarm calling. Sales have been low this year and my sales manager is adamant that it is my fault for not generating enough sales, despite the fact that their sales strategies are the worst I have ever seen. This journey had led me to the conclusion that I am going to set up my own company, away from the whole sales/ team leader / corporate world.

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Have to say the best company to work for definitely *isn't* Starprint on Abbeydale Road. Smoky, racist, bullying atmosphere. Bosses who try to make you feel *this* small by constanfly belittling you and insulting you (although, they claim they're just "having a laugh"), and a graphic designer turnover of one every six months! Most quit!


I hope the guy who replaced me had the brains to jump before he was pushed - they're advertising for a new designer after only 5 months!


Still say the best place to work for is who I'm with now!

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