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Free laptops and broadband for poor families!

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Well said :clap:


So what is the cost of an extra full time technician? £17K ish for a 'monkey' with not a lot of experience or £30K plus for someone who actually knows what they're doing.


It varies between £13K-£18K for a secondary school ICT technician, depending on school size and job responsibility.


The whole process stinks, especially when the government is keen to sack all school techies and replace them with private contractors under the BSF scheme.

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It varies between £13K-£18K for a secondary school ICT technician, depending on school size and job responsibility.


The whole process stinks, especially when the government is keen to sack all school techies and replace them with private contractors under the BSF scheme.


Does that include employer's NI and other associated costs?

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But this is about the benefits of having access at HOME. It's not just internet, it's writing essays, getting to know basic desktop programs etc. in a mobile environment. It's about access to learning 24/7.


I agree, to a certain extent; however, it's just as easy to write with a pen and paper, learning can be sought in books. Not everyone will need to know how to use a spreadsheet, etc.


We can still access learning 24/7. Just get a card from the library and take some books out. Kids might actually then learn something other than the cut and paste plagiarisation that a lot of today's generation think is learning.


Heavens, they might even learn to spell without a spellchecker !!

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But this is about the benefits of having access at HOME. It's not just internet, it's writing essays, getting to know basic desktop programs etc. in a mobile environment. It's about access to learning 24/7.


Access to I-Player and benefit scam forums 24/7 more like.


Do you not think kids from poor backgrounds who want to learn will not already be doing what I did 20 years ago by going to the library, after school clubs etc?


There's plenty of free ways to get these kids online (which we are already paying for as taxpayers, council tax funds libraries and the unemployed don't pay) without taxpayers having to fork out again.


Clearly designed to be a vote winner with the underclasses and nothing more than that. Labour can bleat on about digital poverty all they like but you'd have to be an idiot not to see through the smokescreen.


I saved up for 3 months to buy my new laptop and pay £20 a month for my broadband. I resent these people getting the same for basically being bone idle.

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So once again we working people who work hard to pay for our own laptops and broadband end up subsidising those families who can't be bothered to work.


It will allow some of the most in need children, those in care and from the poorest homes, to apply for a grant for a free laptop and broadband connection.


Such children are usually in care through no fault of their own.

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so because people have ended up on the dole there scum of the earth, theives and rogues and no brains obviously. some people do try to keep there dignity even tho they have to lower thenselves to use the state to help and yes the majority r lay abouts druggies drunks who get even extra help cos they have these habits yes schools should have these resourses and make it possible for kids to use them on weekends and afta skool instead of just handin em out for em to flog off willy nilly to givem a quick fix but think on them that generaly do deserve that bit of helpmaybe the goverment should go and check for themselves wot and which families really do want and need this help for there kids cos some kids just dont give a **** as much as mom and dad does so y should they get them the go verment has gone totally soft on some scroungers

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