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Free laptops and broadband for poor families!

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so because people have ended up on the dole there scum of the earth, theives and rogues and no brains obviously. some people do try to keep there dignity even tho they have to lower thenselves to use the state to help and yes the majority r lay abouts druggies drunks who get even extra help cos they have these habits yes schools should have these resourses and make it possible for kids to use them on weekends and afta skool instead of just handin em out for em to flog off willy nilly to givem a quick fix but think on them that generaly do deserve that bit of helpmaybe the goverment should go and check for themselves wot and which families really do want and need this help for there kids cos some kids just dont give a **** as much as mom and dad does so y should they get them the go verment has gone totally soft on some scroungers


Eh? Are you in favour or opposed to this scheme? :huh:

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Ways of doing things are always changing, My Grandma born 1880 to 1967, when a child had no electricity, only a cold tap, no bathroom, and a toilet down the garden, no telephone, and went to collect Watercress for tea from the local stream. The way things are going with tecnology ppl will not read books, everything is always changing, If she could see what is available now she would not believe it.

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Ways of doing things are always changing, My Grandma born 1880 to 1967, when a child had no electricity, only a cold tap, no bathroom, and a toilet down the garden, no telephone, and went to collect Watercress for tea from the local stream. The way things are going with tecnology ppl will not read books, everything is always changing, If she could see what is available now she would not believe it.


The difference is your Nan’s generation were far to proud to expect the state to provide everything.

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I agree, to a certain extent; however, it's just as easy to write with a pen and paper, learning can be sought in books. Not everyone will need to know how to use a spreadsheet, etc.


We can still access learning 24/7. Just get a card from the library and take some books out. Kids might actually then learn something other than the cut and paste plagiarisation that a lot of today's generation think is learning.


Heavens, they might even learn to spell without a spellchecker !!


I've got a very large home library (several thousand books) and it doesn't even come close to catering for all my learning needs. Being denied access to the net and all the potential it can offer is like being denied access to books. And a lot in the target group (age 7-14, SEN kids prioritised) are denied access to books as they are too young to potter off to the library or a book is simply not something they can use.


I think this thread comes at the scheme from the wrong angle. It's not about giving some druggie a free computer, it's about giving disabled kids and kids in care access to something which is proven to bump up their achievement.

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I've got a very large home library (several thousand books) and it doesn't even come close to catering for all my learning needs. Being denied access to the net and all the potential it can offer is like being denied access to books. And a lot in the target group (age 7-14, SEN kids prioritised) are denied access to books as they are too young to potter off to the library or a book is simply not something they can use.


I think this thread comes at the scheme from the wrong angle. It's not about giving some druggie a free computer, it's about giving disabled kids and kids in care access to something which is proven to bump up their achievement.


If that is the true aim of the scheme then I'm all for it.


I'll tell you what, let's let the Government roll it out, and see how many of these laptops end up sold on ebay or 'down the local'.


Are the Government stating that the laptops can't be re-sold, if so how will it be policed?


I've never stated that the scheme was about giving a druggie a free computer, I have stated that it's a soundbyte, political vote buyer.


Labour are once again pandering to their new core voters, the feckless and workshy.


I always considered myself to be a Labour supporter, having grown up in a mining family during the Thatcher years. Not any more though.


Vote Labour; the party for the worker workshy.

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I'm guessing several of the posters on this thread haven't bothered to read the article, which states that it is for PUPILS who belong to poorer families - making it obvious that the people receiving them would not be working, but that obviously has nothing to do with being lazy or shirkers, it is because they are at school.


Those not in favour of this are in favour of a two tier system where children of poorer families are put at an immediate disadvantage because they don't have access to a computer other than at school.


A computer is getting very close to being essential if you want your child to be successful.


Does a bricklayer need a computer ?


Does a plumber?


Does an electrician?


Does a hairdresser?


Does a beautician?


Does a chef?



I know lots of people in the above professions that don't use computers, and yet they are very successful.

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