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Free laptops and broadband for poor families!

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should have known that you would have commented sooner or later, most of the others have already.


I do apologise. I didn't realise your post was in the "not for replying to" section. Had I realised, I'd have left it alone.

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I was in a shop on fargate today and in half an hour there were about 20 of these, it must be costing the government a fortune! there was one foreign bloke shouting at the poor lass as the laptop he recieved was not very good, he was demanding a better one, but not willing to contribute towards it, she told him that he would have to contact the people operating the scheme, he told her its her job and he no speak good english, she must call, he was that rude i nearly told him where to go myself. in fact most of them appeared to be foreign and really quite rude.

I would love a free laptop paid for by the government.


no back tracking, original post says clearly "most"

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some of us have a job...........but struggle to live let alone buy stuff like laptops
Well you should struggle to get by according to certain members on this forum.

The British workers demand too much when they want a fair days pay for a fair days work, according to them how else can we compete with the Far East if you're paid above the poverty line.

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Not to mention the convenience of working at home - the saving of electricity, heating and staffing costs of public buildings, plus the reassurance the parent has that their child is doing their school work somewhere safe.!
Aren't schools safe anymore?
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Does a bricklayer need a computer ?


Does a plumber?


Does an electrician?


Does a hairdresser?


Does a beautician?


Does a chef?



I know lots of people in the above professions that don't use computers, and yet they are very successful.


Excellent post

I've been saying this for a long time, to much emphasis is placed on academic qualifications and not enough on vocational training.

My friend who I went to school with is is like me ready for retiring, he is a first class engineer, at school he was what would be called a duffer, today he wouldn't have got a foot on the engineering ladder without a pile of useless GCSEs.

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Originally Posted by convert

Does a bricklayer need a computer ?


Does a plumber?


Does an electrician?


Does a hairdresser?


Does a beautician?


Does a chef?



I know lots of people in the above professions that don't use computers, and yet they are very successful.



You are forgetting that we teach for the jobs that will be available when these kids leave school and into the future - and yes the majority of people will have to be computer literate to be able to do pretty much anything in the future. I don't deny that some jobs don't need it, but unless you are suggesting that because someone is poor they have to go into a non-computer related job, i can't see your point.


What is the point in trying to stuff algebra physics and advanced maths into pupils who can't take it in? Surely it is better for them to do vocational training than academic, there is nothing wrong or degrading with any of the jobs listed above.

Most of the jobs listed above are well paid and in demand and fit in well with the self employed bracket.

Most importantly those jobs listed above will always be in demand.

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Having said that, i don't think there is anything wrong with education for educations sake (you can also substitute knowledge into there)

Except that it is a waste of money and rescources, money that could be better spent.

So you've GCSEs in Maths, English and Physics, will that make you a good Brickie (a well paid job).

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As a result after the birth of my second child I was able to do a total 360' career wise, went to work in the financial services sector, progressed in that job. I now have a job I love which without IT skills would be impossible to do, and can now do all sorts from webpages, DTP, photo and video editing.|

Hope it's not in navigating otherwise you'd be back where you started (360'):hihi:

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children need to use computers now a days even at primary school age they do alot of there work on them, there home work often involves using them as well, teachers can store a whole classes work on a single pen drive for ease of transporting for marking they can use spell-check that cuts down of the over time they do with marking, as technology grows the use of computers increses


Does a bricklayer need a computer ?

Does a plumber?

Does an electrician?

Does a hairdresser?

Does a beautician?

Does a chef?

I know lots of people in the above professions that don't use computers, and yet they are very successful.


maybe so but they would not of qualified in todays education system without doing the majority of the course work on a computer! i know a few people in the above proffessions each use a computer to do there accounts!!!!!!

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