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Free laptops and broadband for poor families!

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my daughters husband left her with 2 kids shes trying for work and hates being on benefits,shes wanting to carry on paying the mortgage . i told her about the lap top scheme,she got it and they told her in the shop at Drakehouse all the laptops have gps so cant be sold as they track them,to label every one as a scrounger isnt right shes a hard worker and so did her ex husband,why should the kids go without when parents have paid into the system and under no circumstances can be classed as scroungers,chavs or whatever,everyones circumstances are different so unless you walk in their shoes dont make quick unjustified judgements and lump all people who qualify as scroungers

I dont judge people because they get the tax credit for children and i didint when mine were small thats life hey ho,and how do you think i feel everyone having babies gets money for saving huh so im paying for that its the government not the public that need to get a grip and help them that work hard

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my daughters husband left her with 2 kids shes trying for work and hates being on benefits,shes wanting to carry on paying the mortgage and i told her about the lap top scheme,she got it and they told her in the shop at Drakehouse all the laptops have gps so cant be sold as they track them,to label every one as a scrounger isnt right shes a hard worker and so did her ex husband,why should the kids go without when parents have paid into the system and under no circumstances can be classed as scroungers,chave or whatever,everyones circumstances are different so unless you walk in their shoes dont make quick unjustified judgements and lump all people who qualify as scroungers



Yet another who thinks the state should pay for everything their kids want. People who take free handouts from the state when they could work instead are by definition "scroungers".


Perhaps you should read this post when you ask "why should her kids go without?".



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Because its not her fault her husband left her and the kids,and if they have an offer on then you wouldnt take it up??????????? she has never been out of work despite having the boys up till losing her job a while ago,shes always paid her way so im sure £400 for a laptop is not taking too much from the state and believe me the min she can get a job she will so she can keep a decent standard of living for the kids.So all people who get tax credits,family allowance ect are all scroungers hmmmm think theres a tad sour grapes

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Please accept my apologies.


O/T How long have you been diagnosed as being dyslexic?


at 13 years old, when i asked to be checked cause i was getting so frustrated with giving 100% on my school work and being called lazy because i just couldnt grasp it all dispite trying, i had been in extra english classes from being 6 years old as well

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