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Free laptops and broadband for poor families!

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It does actually - epiphany mentioned laptops for the children to become it literate, truman said go to college. Children can't go to college and therefore won't get the experince. Libraries are fine IF you have one and it has computers for limited internet access.

Facebook and YOutube etc are not useful to anyone are they - i'm not trolling i just think they appeal to a certain section of society that doesn't include me.


If no-one in the family has IT skills then who is going to teach them or will it be case of "Here it is,get on with it" ?

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I am not quite sure what you mean? Of course all children get lessons at school but the educational benefits alone from the t'inter are immense. All 3 of my kids have researched stuff on there. Yes when we did it we dould have gone to the local library but things move on. They learned loads of stuff in a matter of minutes & obtained pictures & references which would have taken hours at the library. We do live in a world where many things are now done on the internet.


I agree with all mathom said. I hate it when i haven't got the internet. I also use it to save money which is particularly relevant when you are trying to live on such a tight budget.


Last week parents at school were asked to look on the school website to check if it was open etc?


I meant IT lessons....how much better could we make the school IT departments if this money was given to them instead....y'know some proper structured learning....

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What you mean is free porn and the ability to buy things on line with those stolen credit cards. Damn get them a book first if they can read. Won't they just sell it and blow the cash on Macky dees or watch re runs of J Kile. Damn that also means they will be let loose on this forum. Very bad idea.


They get free stuff anyhow, its called shop lifting.

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What happens when these laptops get 'broken' by the 'free' applications that get downloaded onto them. How much is the support bill going to be over the first 12 months.


Now I'm not talking failed hardware here, that should be covered by the warranty, I'm talking the O/S and App's failing due to ID Ten T errors. :)

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If it's possible for a human being to survive without an internet connection then it's not really essential is it? Please check in your dictionary what "essential" means. :roll:


As I said earlier no-one has ever died because they didn't have internet access. It might make some things easier for lazy people (eg shopping) but there's nothing essential to your survival that you must do online that you can't do in the real world.


You could probably survive if you walked around naked and only ate the clippings from a grass verge and drank from puddles, but this is the UK, a developed nation, and if we want it to stay that way then we must keep everyone's standards of living up (whether they want that or not), otherwise we may as well throw in the towel.


The internet enables me to save hours every week because I do not have to bother with supermarkets and wrangling a tot round them. And pounds as I stick to a list. And it's much more eco-friendly. Imagine what that could do for the quality of life of a disabled person.


It's as, if not more, essential as a phone.

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What happens when these laptops get 'broken' by the 'free' applications that get downloaded onto them. How much is the support bill going to be over the first 12 months.


Now I'm not talking failed hardware here, that should be covered by the warranty, I'm talking the O/S and App's failing due to ID Ten T errors. :)


The recovery programs are there for that!

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