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House DJ looking for a break


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Are there any club promoters, or does anybody using this board know any that are looking for new DJ talent?


I'm fairly new to the Sheffield area and I am looking for a break into club DJing. I play a mixture of tech / electro/ progressive and breaks. I've got a very recent demo CD available, and I could do most nights.


Any suggestions gratefully received.

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im a student at sheffield and im looking to start a night in september and we're looking for people to play/help run the night.i play breaks myself but the night will probably have to run along more tech house/electro/breaks sort of lines to draw a crowd.drop me a pm if you're interested

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Got to be honest with ya mate - due to the distinct lack of clubs in Sheffield it is very hard indeed (especially in your line of music ie not playing rnb or bl**dy funky house) and there is a massive queue of people waiting for their chance - I play at/run a couple of late bar kinda nights - not really your style more happier hip hop/breaks, latin and the lighter side of drum and bass - I have played at a few club nights such urban gorilla etc but such chances are not regular as UG sets are in such demand and letting as much local talent as poss have go keeps the line up fresh - so you could try them (look on the website) bar that though due to most of the Sheffield population having a very narrow view on whats good music you'll probably struggle to get a proper regular club set no matter how good you are - why not look into trying to set something up yourself at least that way you get to determine the music policy!!! Sheffield needs an injection of new club nights - good luck fella - PM me if you need any help with contacts.

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Yeah you are right Kidphunk - I had the same problem where I used to live in Southampton. There are only about 4 clubs in the whole city and all they ever play is f***ing funky house. I understand the reasons for this (they make a sh*tload more money at the bar because the music attracts the Bacardi Breezer Brigade and not a load of pillheads who will maybe buy one or two bottles of water all night) but its right royally annoying when you enquire about putting on your own night only to be told that the music policy is not acceptable.


I also always found that it didn't matter a shred how good you are, if you don't know the right people you get nowhere. Every time somebody put on a night or a one-off party in Southampton it was always the same old faces doing the DJing.

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why not try bars first? Pick a trendy bar, see what they do on different night and offer your services. Sola has just gone under new management so there could be a chance there.

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I don't think my PM is working!


Villenaeu - very interesting idea. I have been considering putting on my own night for some time but being relatively new to Sheffield I dont have any contacts up here. I heard somebody mention the Earl and it seems as good a place as any to put nights on. If you are serious about doing it then get in touch because I would definitely be up for helping out with organising / DJing.


Kidphunk - Likewise above. I'd be well up for doing nights if only I knew the venues and the people involved. I don't know any other DJs up here either so I haven't tried to do anything with this yet because I would have to do the whole damn thing myself.


Maybe all three of us could meet up and see what we could come up with. With the end of UG at .zero Sheffield is in dire need of a decent club night that isn't too commercialy minded.


Get in touch fellas.

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