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Lions Lair - The Little Gem of Sheffield


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leahiz, same for me. I'm not gay, but the majority of my friends are and I love being out with them because there's never any trouble and the atmosphere is always great. I've been to all the gay venues in Sheffield, and I'm not saying "Lair is the one and only" but for me it's definitely my favourite.


Graham, yeah, you know me. Not in as often as I'd like cos of finances, but you've known my friends much longer. X


you gotta love it, its amazing :)

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Graham...if only...but I don't think I'm your type! Lol X


you'll no me if you see me :) i get in cheaper everytime i come in cos im special (not needs) :) my mate ella, her "uncle" maybe friend of family, think you know her dad lol, owns it??

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Yes I'm promoting Lions and if anyone else was in my shoes you would be doing the same. I'm also being entierly honest...I do honestly think that its become the "Little Gem of Sheffield" on the (electro, tech house etc) clubbing scene and also for those people who like to party until the early hours.


I'll be playing at Lions from 3am - 6am THIS FRIDAY!!! - Bit more promotion for ya.... ha ha :hihi:


Why shouldn't john promote?...As someone earlier said, its part of his job, which in my opinion he's pretty good at! By promoting John's showing he's commited to what he does, where's the crime in that? Just because John previously worked elsewhere means nothing, i myself have worked for several companies but will do all i can to promote the one i work for at the time.


John's night is a fab night and he deserves credit, he draws in a good crowd and Robofunk nights are always an enjoyable and successful night. Each to thier own but IMO its a top night.


it must have got smaller recently as its the same 8 people on all the pics too!


Surely jamesogt you have better things to be doing than posting pathetic comments such as these? You may have helped Lions find its feet again, But from what I can see Graham and Andrew are doing a great job. As Agent **** said Criticism is fine if it's constructive but it's really quite sad to see ex-managers being like this.

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Thanks ellison1..whoop whoop!!!


I'd also like to add my thanks to Kim Brown who was the previous manager at Lions cus she did a lot of the important behind the scenes work ilke planning and prepping etc...doing all the jobs that don't often get noticed. She really did do a great job and also brought a lot of people to the place each and every week, buiding up the clientel and building the foundations of a great venue!


Thanks Kim!!!!! :) x

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Go Jonny boy!! Yeah Kim even found you, if she hadn't done this thread wouldn't even of existed... which would have been a tradgedy - where else would we get such a high calliber of bitching?!!


Great weekend anyway for The Lair, both nights ended up being packed - love it!


Cheers to all involved!


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Go Jonny boy!! Yeah Kim even found you, if she hadn't done this thread wouldn't even of existed... which would have been a tradgedy - where else would we get such a high calliber of bitching?!!


Great weekend anyway for The Lair, both nights ended up being packed - love it!


Cheers to all involved!




Oh yes we certainly did some of that on Friday :hihi::hihi:


Nice to see the place was busy then, us oldies are not used to LL busy as we are usually early birds, but not this Friday gone. We may start arriving after 9.47 next Friday.

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