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Shakespeare, Gibraltar St, to close.

the bard

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The Shakespeare on Gibraltar St, West Bar, will be closing to the public after Sunday 17th January. The last event will be the Last Hurrah on Friday 15th, Saturday 16th and Sunday 17th January. Details of this event can be found elsewhere on this forum and in the local press.

To avoid speculation, the building was put on the market earlier this year and an offer on the building was accepted. The landlord of the building thus served a notice of termination of contract on the current licencee. However, before contracts were exchanged the offer was withdrawn. The current licencee was not reoffered a new contract. Thus the future of the building is unknown at this time.

The current team at the Shakespeare would like to thank our customers and everyone who has put on, performed at, or attended any of the events here.


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A great shame, hope it can reopen as a pub. It's a great building with lots of potential. A pity the area it's in is not very conducive at the moment, but with all the redevelopment might become more so. Well done to the current people, it was a rubbish pub in its previous guise.

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Now is the winter of our discontent - opening line, Richard the Third


Good friend in the late 1960's John Weatherill lived in Furnace Hill Flats, had two brothers and three sisters, I was a regular visitor!! We shared a love of motorcycles, he parked his bike on the verandah under the kitchen window and kept spare parts in the bath. Just round the corner on Gibraltar Street was The Shakespeare, our local. We spent many of our evenings there, the dart board had a hard lump on the double 20, impossible to score, wonder if they replaced it? The landlord was a tall friendly man who spoke with a lisp, when he talked his tongue poked out of the side of his mouth, couldn't say ess, only eth. Does anyone remember him? The Shakespeare, well, what can I say? It's gone but it will always have a fond place in my memory even though I haven't been there for 40 years.

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It was stated in the CAMRA Newsletter a couple of months ago that the Harlequin owner was buying it. Must have pulled out for some reason.Shame, because they have made such a success of the Harlequin.


According to the folks at the 'Quin the legal process stalled at Punch Taverns end and they gave up trying to buy it.

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