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Shakespeare, Gibraltar St, to close.

the bard

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A brilliant pub that was/is very commercially viable. The current landlord has done an terrific job running it and it is a scandal that this is having to close.


Its been a fine addition to Sheffield night life these past few years.


The brewery should be ashamed of themselves.

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What's ruined The Shakespeare place is the ring road remodelling which has all but killed off passing trade. It used to be on the main road into town, now it's on a little backstreet that you have to cross several busy roads to get to. Well done Sheffield City council!:loopy:

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What's ruined The Shakespeare place is the ring road remodelling which has all but killed off passing trade. It used to be on the main road into town, now it's on a little backstreet that you have to cross several busy roads to get to. Well done Sheffield City council!:loopy:

It isn't closing for financial reasons. Its closing because the brewery have, for reasons unknown, terminated/not renewed the licensees contract.


It still had a very decent amount of customers.

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The Shakespeare on Gibraltar St, West Bar, will be closing to the public after Sunday 17th January. The last event will be the Last Hurrah on Friday 15th, Saturday 16th and Sunday 17th January. Details of this event can be found elsewhere on this forum and in the local press.

To avoid speculation, the building was put on the market earlier this year and an offer on the building was accepted. The landlord of the building thus served a notice of termination of contract on the current licencee. However, before contracts were exchanged the offer was withdrawn. The current licencee was not reoffered a new contract. Thus the future of the building is unknown at this time.

The current team at the Shakespeare would like to thank our customers and everyone who has put on, performed at, or attended any of the events here.



i popped in earlier, was a little hectic...


I know Jeff wont recognise my name on here, but the the one who popped in last summer, before going to Germany....jeff was a polite guy, although not one of my normal pubs, he was always willing to chat when he could...and i went down when i could for the irish folk band..


i didnt stop long tonight, people get barging past me, without a excuse me or a smile, and i didnt want to thump anyone that didnt have any manners, even though i stood well away from the bar.


i liked the place, even though it wasnt my normal cup of tea


glad i went though, sad to see it go

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