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Moderate Muslims Speak Out!

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It's only Christianitylite that allows Christians to marry non-Christians.


Made me smile, but not sure about your Christianitylite. Throws up a whole load of questions. I'm a full-fat Christian, but it doesn't mean I expect anyone born into Christianity to marry a Christian. Becoming a Christian involves you making a decision. Becoming part of any church is another decision - if I had a child - they would not be born Christian or a member of my church.

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There's no such thing as a British faith - therefore there is no such thing as a non-British faith.


In which case please leave the British to their non faith and stop imposing secular religious establishments all over the place.


Worship your personal god in your personal way in your personal space


Or perhaps hit me with the multicultural integration argument and tell me the last time you or anyone else for that matter crossed a religious divide from church to mosque or vice versa.

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In which case please leave the British to their non faith and stop imposing secular religious establishments all over the place.


Worship your personal god in your personal way in your personal space


Or perhaps hit me with the multicultural integration argument and tell me the last time you or anyone else for that matter crossed a religious divide from church to mosque or vice versa.



What exactly is a secular religious establishment?

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Made me smile, but not sure about your Christianitylite. Throws up a whole load of questions. I'm a full-fat Christian, but it doesn't mean I expect anyone born into Christianity to marry a Christian.


Apologises you're quite right Circa, I shouldn't have made a special reference to lite, as I guess most Christians are of the sane, easy going type, perhaps the hardcore, intransigent should have been highlighted instead :)

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Made me smile, but not sure about your Christianitylite. Throws up a whole load of questions. I'm a full-fat Christian, but it doesn't mean I expect anyone born into Christianity to marry a Christian. Becoming a Christian involves you making a decision. Becoming part of any church is another decision - if I had a child - they would not be born Christian or a member of my church.


What I took the Christianitylite term to mean was practically all western Christians, because they all ignore parts of the bible that don't sit well with them. For example homosexuals, the bible is very explicit in it's condemnation of them, however most Christians today have little or no problem with them. Or Jesus' stance on ownership of property, there are very few Christians who follow that.


I would call Christianitylite any version of Christianity where some parts of the bible are ignored or glossed over. Which pretty much includes the vast majority of Christians today.

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Whether we like it or not the BNP are a democratically appointed party and thus have a right to air their views, why is Choudary being given air time to preach his nonsense.
Freedom of speech. Choudary has a right to say what he wants to say but as freedom of speech is a two way street i have the right to tell to him to go f*** a duck because i disagree with his views entirely...
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I(Yasmin Alibhai-Brown had a rather barmy column in The Independent recently, but I think her heart's in the right place.)
I don't think it is. She's just as deluded as the rest of the barmy army that think they've got a good reason for their insanity .. and apparently it's us :rolleyes:


Oh dear. So the fervent desire of an increasing number of Muslim men and women (yup, you forgot about your Sistas, Yasmin) to blow themselves and everyone else into oblivion is a legacy of the permissive 60s. Once again we in the West must hold our heads in shame for triggering the psychopathic urges of some Muslims by adopting lifestyles not prescribed in the Koran; and once again you conveniently absolve you co-religionists from any culpablity or personal responsibility for the carnage they may wreak because - oh god that word again - they have taken "offense" at the percieved "debauchery" of modern British society.

Well Yasmin, for me a debauched society is one whose members (Iraqi Shiites and Sunnis) suddenly begin butchering each other (and their children) with a stomach-churning savagery and on a scale (600,000 victims at the last count) which simply defies belief when their land is invaded. But like most of your fellow believers, you simply refuse to accept that the greatest threat to Muslims on this planet are not half-naked drunken British teenage girls but.... other Muslims.

And to "pacify" your readers, you always preface your increasingly rabid attacks on the British working classes, British politicians, British men, British women, British youth, British culture, British you-bloody-name-it with a token criticism of Islamic fundamentalists - as if trying to equate one with the other.


What he said - in the comments underneath the article in the link :)

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