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Moderate Muslims Speak Out!

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some would argue that anyonre taking time to offer up prayers 5 times a day to an unevidenced deiety based on rumour and or hearsay or commands from an ivory tower or due to citations from a 2000 year old manual might actually be brainwashed or of a lower IQ than those who question the dsanity of such practice.


I dont actually believe ther is such a thing as a moderate muslim because if i were requested to engage in their "normality" then i wouldnt do it and i consider myself a moderate.


If there were / is a moderate muslim then what would be the equivalent moderate christian and what would his or her day to day conduct consist of ?

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Where and why have all the moderate muslims come out from after all this time?


They've always been there matty, but previously not been of any interest to the media.


The Muslim Council of Great Britain has consistently denounced extremists and the acts they get involved in as press releases on their website, and Ive rarely seen heard or seen anyone from their organisation.


Here's one regarding Wooton Bassett:



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I know of no Christian attending 5 time a day prayers or plonking down in the workplace to offer up prayer so i think your normality comparison is a bit flawed.


Dont recall mentioning terrorism but as youve raised the issue......... We know not all muslims are terrorists but the irony seems to be that (currently) all terorists are muslims

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Where and why have all the moderate muslims come out from after all this time?


The moderate Muslim has just been invented to try and distance themselves from the Media's use of the word 'Islamist' in the context of the nut jobs that would bomb you or I at the drop of an hat. ;)


As the word Islam and Muslim is repetebly being used on the news in a negative light they needed a word or lable to put on the everyday Muslims as it was increasingly difficult to tell who was who. :help:


The Moderate Muslim should be able to now board a plane along side you or I and not get funny looks or overly questioned or searched, where as the the extremist Muslims/Islamists should be forced to do squats in the nude to see if any explosives drop out of their rear end. :suspect:


The problem is in reality you still don't know who is who until they shout 'god is great' and your 747 turns into a ball of flames in mid air. :hihi:





This of coarse this is all made up in my head, as the word 'moderate Muslim' is new to me and Im just trying to make sence of how the word could have come about and why.


Please don't take my joviality serious tho, the majority of Muslims in this country are peace loving and wouldnt actualy try and blow you up. :P

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I know of no Christian attending 5 time a day prayers or plonking down in the workplace to offer up prayer so i think your normality comparison is a bit flawed.


Dont recall mentioning terrorism but as youve raised the issue......... We know not all muslims are terrorists but the irony seems to be that (currently) all terorists are muslims


The only prayers that are mandatory for a Muslim male to attend are the Jumuah prayers on Friday afternoon.


Women don't have to attend, but aren't forbidden from doing so.


The five mandatory prayers, (taking about five minutes on average, each to pray) can be prayed at home, by males and females.

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