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Moderate Muslims Speak Out!

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Muslims do this and Muslims do that. Now a Muslims shows you what bravery really is, the raacist idiots can't stand it.



Personally I applaud them as decent upstanding citizens looking out for themselves and their families and neighbours.


But 'defending their country' is a ridiculous statement. Well intentioned by 1love but over stated.

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I made the point that they were Muslims because of a comment someone made that basically said 'they've died, wont be resting ect'. Whereas Muslims believe in Life after Death. Thats why i mentioned that they were Muslim.


I was the 'someone' who said that they had died rather than 'resting peacefully'. Their death was unprovoked, violent and so unnecessary. A sad waste of the young lives of seemingly good people.


You may believe in life after death. I don't. What god would allow the husband of a pregnant wife to be killed in such a needless way? I am sure she would prefer her husband to be bringing up his child rather than living the next life in Paradise. How can he enjoy Paradise knowing what he has had to forefit?

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I usually have a pop at the "I was caught speeding and the ban is unfair" lot as ruddy idiots but you've managed the stupidest post I've ever seem on a forum.


Well done on producing the most moronic post I've ever seen.

Perhaps a prize is in order. Something nice like a kick in the trousers.


You don't seem to understand the way a forum works. You don't like what I have to say so you insult me and infer that I deserve a 'kicking'. So much for freedom of speech.

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I usually have a pop at the "I was caught speeding and the ban is unfair" lot as ruddy idiots


The knack is NOT to get caught speeding.(dont do it in front of speed cameras);) Ive found this policy a good one ,and ive managed to keep my licence for over 30 years without a single ban . :thumbsup:

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I agree, all I said was they didnt have an 'exclusive' to it.


I guess the rights of other organisations is decided by news editors, Ive never seen so much of Anjem Choudary since he decided to offend the people of Wooton Bassett.


I suppose if the hierarchy in Combat 18 or the National Front made public their intention to march through Muslim areas of London and Luton, they'd attract a similar number of column inches and media attention.


The leadership of Combat 18 was infiltrated by Special Branch the day after they appointed themselves the guardians of BNP security.


Anjem Choudary seems to do his level best to damage the cause he claims to support, history will show him to have been acting at the direction of 5 or 6 .

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The leadership of Combat 18 was infiltrated by Special Branch the day after they appointed themselves the guardians of BNP security.


Anjem Choudary seems to do his level best to damage the cause he claims to support, history will show him to have been acting at the direction of 5 or 6 .


I guess that's why the home secretary censured his backside then BP?! :suspect:

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Do you think Richard Bowes was also defending his country?




Will Allah be smiling on Richard Bowes too?


I was really saddened when i heard that Richard Bowes had died, he was a true old school gentleman who didn't deserve what happened to him, same goes for the Birmingham 3 who were being good citizens.

I hope the scum that did these cowardly acts are convicted and receive a very very long sentence and end up dying in prison themselves.

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