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Moderate Muslims Speak Out!

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I watched it BF and I think that the people like Nazwaz should be given more air time to express the other side of Islam.It was a treat to see Paxman sitting there saying nothing.I think he was enjoying it.


That's a good point, I thought Paxman lost control, but on reflection he did appear to be enjoying it as much as the rest of us and indicated as much when he said the public would draw their own conclusions from Choudary's refusal to answer straightforward questions.

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But the bonus was Choudary came out of it very badly and it was a unique situation in that he was being challenged directly on TV by another Muslim, remember, many members of the British public believe all Muslims sing from Choudary's song sheet.


Bang- on! Showing that Choudary is very much in the minority, and that most Muslims don't share his idiotic views is a very positive thing.


However I'm sure there will be certain members, (whatever name they have thought up for themselves this week) who will still be doing the "La-la-la I can't hear you" thing.

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That's a good point, I thought Paxman lost control, but on reflection he did appear to be enjoying it as much as the rest of us and indicated as much when he said the public would draw their own conclusions from Choudary's refusal to answer straightforward questions.


I certainly got the sense that Paxo thought that the slaver-er's smirking and wriggling, under pressure he could not get out from under, was amusing.


(I certainly thought it was! :D )

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I watched it BF and I think that the people like Nazwaz should be given more air time to express the other side of Islam.It was a treat to see Paxman sitting there saying nothing.I think he was enjoying it.


Don't worry, he already has been given plenty of air time and I would bet his £85,000 salary that he will get more.


The problem is that many Muslims simply don't trust him or Ed Husain - they are part of the establishment. Ed Husain even changed his name. I would guess a quick search would provide many Muslim sites that prove this distrust.


Ironically, Cartoon Choudary probably did more to turn young Muslims away from extremism than Husain or Nazwaz ever could.


It's just a shame that our press treated Choudray seriously at all.

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Don't worry, he already has been given plenty of air time and I would bet his £85,000 salary that he will get more.


To be honest that was the first time I'd ever heard of Maajid Nawaz, and the first time I'd seen a Muslim challenging an extremist on television.


Nawaz may well have a political agenda, but frankly I dont care, a leap of faith (pardon the pun) and understanding has to be made by us non Muslims, and if people like Nawaz help in that journey then that's fine by me.

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To be honest that was the first time I'd ever heard of Maajid Nawaz, and the first time I'd seen a Muslim challenging an extremist on television.


Nawaz may well have a political agenda, but frankly I dont care, a leap of faith (pardon the pun) and understanding has to be made by us non Muslims, and if people like Nawaz help in that journey then that's fine by me.


He's been on Newsnight and Big Questions an awful lot recently. At first I felt like you, this sounds like a reasonable guy and thank dog somebody is challenging extremism on telly.


After so many appearances I began to realise that I was feeling exactly how the government wanted me to feel, that his expensive group was set up to appease me and the majority of voters, and not the young Muslims themselves.


In fact the QF is deeply distrusted my most Muslims I know. Whether any on SF can confirm this?


I have just done a quick google, and first on the list was this from a chap called Illuminate on the Muslim Discussion Forum:




it is not just muslims but also many non-muslims who dislike them.... for example there own former friends like douglas murray - from the centre for social cohesion and melaine philips.... So it is not restricted to muslim alone - there lack credibility from non-muslims also...


ppl dislike them as there role is going around pointing fingers at muslims and calling us extremist for having a view which goes against what the neo-cons and pro-zionist want... You can see this through out last year - when they were calling, what were always mainstream muslim organisation, charities, individuals fundamentalist and accusing them of promoting extremism .... Even this year they started off calling an event held by a mosque and picking an individual out and calling it extreme.... This just creates mistrust, suspicion and further alienation of muslims...


secondly, they promote an agenda which infringes on civil rights of muslims and which many non-muslims - like douglas murray have said will eventually infringe on the general population.... If maj and eddy - QF.... are going around say it is OK to infringe ppl civil liberties - like spying, surveillance, detention without trial based on suspicion alone, without good evidence in name of fighting terror..... we end up with a police state.... This is a dangerous road to go down..


There are few other things as well... which makes QF a toxic organisation for the muslim community and the general community...


but I will finish on this note - that QF... maj and eddy for me are just a bunch cowboys, made up of former HT members, ex-criminal - who have no strategy, put no thought into what they come out with, have total disregard for community cohesion - and just do things to satisfy a small bunch of ppl so they are seem as a group that are fighting extremist to justify taxpayers money they received and want in the future - Where in reality they are causing further disfranchisement and anger amongst muslims... QF, in my opinion are going to create the next generation of anjem choudary's, abu hamza, omar bakris and their ilk......

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To be honest that was the first time I'd ever heard of Maajid Nawaz, and the first time I'd seen a Muslim challenging an extremist on television.


Nawaz may well have a political agenda, but frankly I dont care, a leap of faith (pardon the pun) and understanding has to be made by us non Muslims, and if people like Nawaz help in that journey then that's fine by me.


Which translates to me in the same way that Blackadder interpreted the info from Percy that the Enfanta eyes were bluer than the bluest ocean............when taken to task it proved that Percy had seen neither and was therfore perpetuating a rhetoric that something he hadent seen was in fact bluer than something else he hadent seen.


That effectively conveys the differences the Islamic / muslim faith as i understand them - i.e something i have no interest (being in a supposed non muslim country) has various divisions or beliefs in which various differnces occur in which i have no interest either.


Lord percy didnt take offence however when it was pointed out that he was a pratt - he graciously accepted the stupidity of his rhetoric.

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