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Moderate Muslims Speak Out!

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No, they don't. Orthodox Islam doesn't conflict with the British way of life anyway; it's only the extremist nutcases that do so, and they are few and far between.


Perhaps my idea of what orthodox Islam is, is wrong, and do please correct if im wrong, but is it forbidden in Islam for a Muslim woman to marry a Christian man for instance?

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Perhaps my idea of what orthodox Islam is, is wrong, and do please correct if im wrong, but is it forbidden in Islam for a Muslim woman to marry a Christian man for instance?


It's only Christianitylite that allows Christians to marry non-Christians.


“Furthermore, you shall not intermarry with them; you shall not give your daughters to their sons, nor shall you take their daughters for your sons. Deuteronomy 7:3


“An alien living among you who wants to celebrate the LORD’s Passover must have all the males in his household circumcised; then he may take part like one born in the land. No uncircumcised male may eat of it. Exodus 12:48"

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Sorta kinda - is is also technically banned for a christian to marry outside the religion, or a jew, for example.


And before you say that doesn't happen, catholics vicars often refuse to marry people if one of them isn't catholic.


You keeping taking the words out of my mouth, auto!

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No, they don't. Orthodox Islam doesn't conflict with the British way of life anyway; it's only the extremist nutcases that do so, and they are few and far between.

damn you ,you play dirty i have to agree with you for once


my neighbour is a muslim and a good hard working helpfull bloke, the secretary of my local club who i have a pint or two with is also a moslem.i doubt they plan to blow us all up ,in every walk of life you will get a few who are out to cause bother,as long as they stick by the law nothing usually happens, some though are more dangerous and have to be watched very closely

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Christians are neither expected nor required to follow the laws laid down in the Pentateuch. Their access to Heaven does not depend on being law-abiding.


Yes, I know-I was merely pointing out that Muslims are not alone in having an exclusivity preference.

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Yes, I know-I was merely pointing out that Muslims are not alone in having an exclusivity preference.


How strictly is that exclusivity preference kept to in the Christian community these days? there's a flexibility there that is definitely lacking in Islam.

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Christians are neither expected nor required to follow the laws laid down in the Pentateuch. Their access to Heaven does not depend on being law-abiding.


Corinthians is in the New Testament and are (believed to be) the words of Paul:


14 Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?




Essentially BoyFriday is right about it being Christianitylite that allows interfaith marriages, although to be fair that view has been moderated from what it once was.

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How strictly is that exclusivity preference kept to in the Christian community these days? there's a flexibility there that is definitely lacking in Islam.


I dont dispute it! But dont use that argument to denounce one religion when it's a common preference in Judaism and Christianity.


You'd find yourself falling out with the parents of an Orthodox Jew or hardcore Christian if you tried to marry one of their offspring and weren't a member of their religion.

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my neighbour is a muslim and a good hard working helpfull bloke, the secretary of my local club who i have a pint or two with is also a moslem.i doubt they plan to blow us all up ,in every walk of life you will get a few who are out to cause bother,as long as they stick by the law nothing usually happens, some though are more dangerous and have to be watched very closely


Crikey depoix, I know you've not been well but have you had a bump to the head recently? :hihi:

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