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McCanns in court again

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Uh, yes you have.


"I see these two will do whatever they can to suppress people's freedom to discuss what really went on when Madeleine McCann disappeared. I don't know why they're bothering when the book they wish to censor is easy to download on line. Just what have they got to hide?"


You know, that being the crux of the book. That she died in the room, and you claiming that was what really went on.



You said they are trying to suppress 'what really went on' when Madeleine McCann disappeared, and the book states she died in the room.



If this was so the Portuguese authorities would have prosecuted, they haven't.


Perhaps you need to read up on the English language as you don't appear to understand what "making a claim" is. :loopy:


Please point me to where I said I agreed with the contents of the book? I'm keeping an open mind but I believe that any attempt to prevent this book being published amounts to censorship. If they're really innocent, as you believe, surely they would have no problem with people openly discussing their case and they could easily refute the claims? After all, it keeps it in the public eye and helps their "search" for their missing daughter.


Just because a case hasn't gone to prosecution doesn't necessarily prove anyone's innocence.

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Perhaps you need to read up on the English language as you don't appear to understand what "making a claim" is. :loopy:[/Quote]

I put it in bold for you above, hell I even asked you "Or did you mean to say 'what could have happened'?"


Please point me to where I said I agreed with the contents of the book?

The part where you said it was what really went on, again see above.


I'm keeping an open mind[/Quote]

It didn't seem that way when you said they were trying to censor what really went on. Seemed like your mind was already made up.


but I believe that any attempt to prevent this book being published amounts to censorship.



If they're really innocent, as you believe, surely they would have no problem with people openly discussing their case and they could easily refute the claims?

I do believe their main objection against the publication of the book is it would hamper the search for Maddie.


After all, it keeps it in the public eye and helps their "search" for their missing daughter.
It doesn't really help, if people are thinking she is dead.


Just because a case hasn't gone to prosecution doesn't necessarily prove anyone's innocence.

Blast! So much for the presumption of innocence.

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We've all read enough about the case to know something doesn't add up. Why not google "the truth of the lie" and make up your own mind?



Of course it doesn't add up. The case remains unsolved. Nobody has been proven guilty of any charge. Anything we may say is merely conjecture.

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what really went on when Madeleine McCann disappeared isn't a claim.[


the book they wish to censor is easy to download on line the only claim there is that the book is available to download.


And when you have the two together what do you have... an affirmative statement of what really went on.


The book claims - She died in the hotel room, GordonBennet says that is what really went on.

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  • 9 months later...

I don't know and probably never will know what happened to this little girl.


What I do know for a fact is that these two so called very educated and highly qualified people left two infants alone in an apartment in a strange country while they went out enjoying themselves.


No one deserves to have a child harmed or abducted but this couple do desrve prosecuting for neglect.

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I don't know and probably never will know what happened to this little girl.


What I do know for a fact is that these two so called very educated and highly qualified people left two infants alone in an apartment in a strange country while they went out enjoying themselves.


No one deserves to have a child harmed or abducted but this couple do desrve prosecuting for neglect.


Spot on, nobody will ever know what really happened, nobody will ever know what the detectives/ police found.

But what we do know is that two parents left their children alone in a apartment, in a foreign country, and nobody, especially that poor little girl deserves what happened that night. However it does seem that the parents have got away with leaving them alone scott free.

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