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Is it me or is the word 'HERO' a bit over used these days ?

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We can be racist ?

I Think you'll find that's only about the protestant English....


Come again?


Are you posting in the wrong thread?


The title was ''Is it me or is the word 'HERO' a bit over used these days ?''


What was your point?

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There is already a thread about this I'm sure, but to hell with it let's have another round of bashing our soldiers that are out there fighting on the front line dodging bullets and bombs :roll:


Don't be such a drama queen. It is an overused term - as many of the serving soldiers would readily agree. Believing the term 'hero' is overused is not the same as 'bashing our soldiers'.

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Don't be such a drama queen. It is an overused term - as many of the serving soldiers would readily agree. Believing the term 'hero' is overused is not the same as 'bashing our soldiers'.


You keep telling yourself that.


Harking back to another thread "why is every dead soldier a hero?" remarkebly similar to this one, I wonder if yourself or the OP could name any of our dead soldiers that are supposedly undeserving of this over used term?


Oh oh, I put "our" soldiers, that will probably spark a few "they're not our soldiers they're not there for us" rants as I have seen on some threads.


And only today I read on another thread some forummers implying our armed forces personnel would be good for nothing but the dole queue as they're a bunch of uneducated idiots?? Not the first time I have read that on here.




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There is a tendency to label every soldier who sees active service as a Hero. This isn't necessarily the case for all of them, some of them undoubtedly are but not all. There are some soldiers who have made the career choice simply because the alternatives open to them because of their intelligence/drive/ambition are next to none. Some of them would have much preferred to spend their whole time as a soldier in training rather than actually having to do what they signed up for.

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Why is it becoming common practice to refer to anyone who joins our Armed Forces as a 'Hero' ? If a lad wants to join up for £16k per year an free dental treatment an go thousands of miles way to assist a super power in the rape of a poverty stricken third world country then that his affair. I certainly fail to see how he automaticaly becomes a 'Hero' Very soon we shall have 'Heroes' on every street corner !


I agree 100%, brave of you to post your views on this on sheffieldforum

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