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I want to propose to my girlfriend..Where should I do it?

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I know but I have a really good mate who did exactly the same thing in Paris last year, I don;t want to look like a copy cat......What about Amsterdam?


I can understand that, but did your friend have a string quartet awaiting his arrival at the top of the Eiffel tower? :) You could dress the whole experience up, wouldn't cost too much if you were already there.


Other than Paris, you could always do something similar in Rome, maybe new York, prices to places like that at the moment are quite affordable.

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I can understand that, but did your friend have a string quartet awaiting his arrival at the top of the Eiffel tower? :) You could dress the whole experience up, wouldn't cost too much if you were already there.


Other than Paris, you could always do something similar in Rome, maybe new York, prices to places like that at the moment are quite affordable.


Oh yes, New York, on the outdoor ice skating ring in Central Park, that would be romantic :)

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There's alot of talk about going abroad, but what about one of the parks in Sheffield? The botanical gardens? By the Don? You don't have to spend alot of money to be somewhere special, and pick somewhere she loves. In my case, I love the Peak District, so hope to be proposed to on a walk out there one day.


Remember, pick somewhere she loves xxx

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The location isnt important. If she loves you shell say yes and it wont matter if you propose on bended knee outside Maccy 'D's or after a 5 course meal at a michelin stared restaurant.

Good luck by the way ;)


I always wanted to get proposed to at the top of Effel Tower, but what you want and what you get are two different things :hihi: In the end he took me out for a meal. No matter where you do it, if she loves you she will be over the moon, good luck, hope she says yes. :)


Oh, and do let us know the outcome :)


I couldn't agree more with these 2 posts, it doesn't matter where or when you do it, but that she agrees and you're both happy together.


I'd be tempted to wait until AFTER Valentine's Day too. If she's even remotely expecting a proposal, this is when she'll think you'll do it. I'd go for a few weeks after and get down on one knee (if I were a man) and propose whilst doing the shopping or something - or somewhere else completely and totally unexpected.

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you said somewhere unusual where you could go back to?- on a boat at Speedwell Cavern


Now that's an EXCELLENT idea! (As long as you guys remember to duck when the roof gets lower or else you may be waiting til she regains conciousness to get your answer!) :hihi:

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Hokey Pokey....haha. Amsterdam is one of the most romantic places in the world. London doesn't sound like a bad idea either.


I just want to make this a special occasion. Somebody must have a really random romantic idea stored somewhere, please share??

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Take her out to see a show. Arrange with the compare to pull you both up on stage...could you propose in front of 6000 people?


I'm not keen on the idea of making it a highly public event, and I think Greghammer needs to consider that aspect. I know of many women who feel that a public proposal is a form of emotional blackmail and less personal and heartfelt.

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Hi people,


I'm looking into proposing to my girlfriend and to be honest have no idea where to do it? I have picked out a ring and am desperate for some help or advise??



Trust me!, you could be sat at home with her at a candle lit table sharing a bag of chips and a can of tizer....it would'nt affect the moment. Having said that, Its always nice to mark the occasion, afterall....we set out to only do it the once.


Women are always telling us fella's that were always foregetting things, so I suggest that you do something or go somewhere that will trigger a string of happy memories that she'd expect you to have long ago foregotten.


I don't know how long you've been together...but you know what im trying to say. What ever you decide to do, have a good one!, and congratulations!!! :thumbsup:

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