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Mr R Butterfield Rivelin Middle School retires today after 31 Years

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Just visited Rivelin/Morley St schoolto say goodbye to Mr Butterfield who retiresafter 31 years.

They had a leaving assembly for him and a huge picnic on the playing field. Quite a few old pupils were there. A good but sad occaision for the school and pupils

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He's taught my lad over recent years (who himself leaves Rivelin today) and seemed a good teacher.


We even had a game of kids v parents rounders the other night with him as referee/bowler, and to his credit he didn't just let the kids win !


Hope he enjoys his retirement.

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Mr Butterfield eh? Now there's a blast from the past.. I had him as my teacher in the 3rd years way back in the early 1980s, so 20 odd years ago.. Makes me feel old does that..


He was a cool teacher though and a right nice bloke, one of the best I ever had IMO.. Good luck to him in his retirement :)

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I was Chair of Governers at Rivelin School for a while in the 1990s, and prior to that was a Governor on both the schools on the site before they became one.


Richard is a great guy - I was so lucky to be involved with a school that had great staff and pupils.



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