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Cadburys-Annual School Project


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The Kraft takeover of Cadburys reminded me of the project we had to do every year at junior school in the early 60's. Writing about how chocolate was invented and developed over the following years. The classroom was covered in posters all about the cocoa bean. It seemed to last for weeks but was probably only a day or two. I think all the winners got were certificates so you can imagine we all hated the project with a vengance!

Anyone remember this project?

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I remember doing something similar about 1962, we had to write a short story . It was a competion where the winners received a certificate and chocolate for their class. Much to my delight and surprise i won,i was so proud of myself,and of course everyone liked me that day ,lol

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I remember doing a project about chocolate from bean to bar. I can't remember a competition or chocolate being handed out as prizes but maybe that's because if there was such a competition/prize I didn't win. This was about 1967.

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Hi Magneteer-I was at Lydgate Lane about the same time. Was the infamous Miss Pollard your teacher then?

I honestly could not think of a more boring project. As a kid who was interested in how chocolate was made-it was only the end result that appealed! Having said that I did win a certificate but I can't remember getting any chocolate.

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Hi Morts, Yes, I do remember a Mrs. Pollard, but my teacher at that time was a Miss. Wagland and the head was a chap called Peck. I seem to remember the cane being wielded quite often in those days, even for trivial things like running up the stairs, but it was generally a very good school.

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Hi Morts, Yes, I do remember a Mrs. Pollard, but my teacher at that time was a Miss. Wagland and the head was a chap called Peck. I seem to remember the cane being wielded quite often in those days, even for trivial things like running up the stairs, but it was generally a very good school.


Oh yes, I remember Miss Wagland - she taught me spelling and sewing.... 2 things I can do well today??? Spell and Sew!!!!!


She also taught my mother when she was a PE teacher....


Mr Peck was head when I was there until my final year when Mr Hall took over - I still have Mr Peck's signature in my autograph book!!!


Never had to do a chocolate project though!!! My parents made chocolates, so I would probably have had an unfair advantage!!!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Oh yes, I remember Miss Wagland - she taught me spelling and sewing.... 2 things I can do well today??? Spell and Sew!!!!!


She also taught my mother when she was a PE teacher....


Mr Peck was head when I was there until my final year when Mr Hall took over - I still have Mr Peck's signature in my autograph book!!!


Never had to do a chocolate project though!!! My parents made chocolates, so I would probably have had an unfair advantage!!!!!


Hi Magneteer and Carol W-


I am researching my family history and it may be that the Miss Wagland you refer to was one of my relatives. Do either of you, or anyone else, have any more information about this teacher? First name, where she lived, anything else?


Thanks in advance!


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