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I have been to the usa and they are all keeping fit!

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I have just returned from miami, new york etc. on honeymoon.

and so jealous, everyone there is doing something.

cycling, jogging, roller blading etc. and we in sheffield have not anywhere like that to do them.

if you went down the road roller blading, people would stare and laugh. why cant we get fitter like that !!

like hillsborough park, you could easily put a running track around there, cycling routes etc.

am I wrong?

We also went to see Willy Wonka. you need to go and see it.

good stuff!!

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I agree, in New York in particular rollerblading and jogging are social activities as well, it's the in thing to do. The problem here is that people assume that to keep fit they have to join a £50 a month gym. They go to the gym about 3 times a week, get bored of the same interior and hence quit or join another gym. There are so many things people can do in parks etc which are just as good (if not better) than going to the gym. There are loads of joggers around Endcliffe Park and I see loads of cyclists as well there. More and more running clubs are being formed, so things could be on the up.

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Yeh new yorkers are certainly into keeping fit.


Very little beats running round central park in the morning.


Some of the sights you see are amazing.


However I was in Vegas earlier this year and I have never seen so many overweight people :)

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I know what you mean, all americans are loud and mostly fat. whereas it seems to be easier over there to get fit.

and all the bars and cafes seem to be much healthier like juice bars and smoothies everywhere.

I would love to roller blade up miami beach.all though we did see some people running in horrendous heat, like 100 deg. I could hardly walk in the heat and people were jogging. and central park was best. the own stretch for jogging, cycling etc. I said I would like to get a pair off roller blades for xmas but can you imagine in sheffield. not cool. but we shopuld do something about that.

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  • 1 year later...

I own a pair of blades try to use them as much as I can, I think people tend to look weird at something which is out of the ordinary to them but after a while either give up or join in. If anyone is up for it i'll join them to share the stare.



No shame in getting fit

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I have just returned from miami, new york etc. on honeymoon.

and so jealous, everyone there is doing something.

cycling, jogging, roller blading etc. and we in sheffield have not anywhere like that to do them.

if you went down the road roller blading, people would stare and laugh. why cant we get fitter like that !!

like hillsborough park, you could easily put a running track around there, cycling routes etc.

am I wrong?

We also went to see Willy Wonka. you need to go and see it.

good stuff!!


There did used to be a running track in Hillsborough but they got rid of it to put the Rugby Club there!!! I cant see why they cant have a running track too tho!

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I tried rollerblading a few years ago, fine if you live on the flat, I did myself a nasty injury not being able to stop in time.


I think there are three good reasons why we are nothing like Florida and Miami on the active front.

Firstly, our inconsistent and persistent cold rubbishy weather means most people without uber enthusiasm and will-power limit nice outdoor-type activities to just the summer.

Our hills in Sheffield are an absolute nightmare, you have to be pretty hardcore to run up and down them. I spent one 'summer' cycling to and from work. Greenhill - Hillsborough......think about the hills........yes a nightmare and I hated every minute of it (so stopped)......which leads me also on to the third point.

In the 4 months I cycled to work, I was knocked off my bike twice and came close on innumerable occasions. My brother is one of those 'hardcore' types who has been cycling Sheffield streets for 20 years, has been knocked off dozens of times, now says the traffic is just too bad and way too dangerous for regular main rd cycling and just sticks to countryside and Sunday cycling.


If only we could step outside onto nice flat sun baked padestrianiaed roads with palm trees gently swaying over-head, where we could still wear our shorts in the winter.......mmmmmm

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Imagine the quality of ride you'd get from roller blades or skates on our roads/paths. Even with the luxury of pneumatic tyres and suspension provided by a car it's like getting battered up the back side. I reckon a pair of 'blades used in Sheffield would last about one mile on the usual commute routes.


Jogging along these same routes is asking to get sprained ankles or worse, and cycling, as has already been mentioned, is suicide.


Jump on a bus and run back and forth along the top deck for the half hour of your one mile journey.:thumbsup:

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