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Grounds for Divorce - what difference does it make?

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A friend of mine is getting divorced and it's apparently all turning very ugly with her saying "he did XYZ" and him saying "no, I didn't" and so he has refused to sign and has cross petitioned (I think that's what she called it - I'm not an expert in these things). Anyway, what I'm curious about is as long as you get a divorce, what difference does it make on what grounds?


Genuine question, even if it might seem stupid to those more worldly than I!

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Makes everybody feel better if they can aportion blame.


Perhaps. But in the long run, what difference does it make? I mean are there long term consequences if you "lose" in the divorce?


Because from where I'm looking the only people benefiting from this battle are the solicitors!

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if she's saying (for example) that he's hit her or even slightly violent or abusive towards her, it can be put on record for future, and if she's lying its offcially classed as slander.


Oh right. Perhaps that's why it's getting bad then. She is saying he hit her and was verbally abusive and he is denying it.

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I think the reason for the breakdown can also go as to the financial settlement?


In this case it wouldn't make a difference. He has nothing for her to take even if she wanted to. But I guess I can understand that in the majority of cases it could make a difference.

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I think the reason for the breakdown can also go as to the financial settlement?


No -the marital clauses act states that the separation should leave both parties in the same financial state, but takes in to account child care and future earning potential. The reason for the breakdown doesn't come in to it AFAIK.

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If a female claims her partner was violent towards her or that he behaved in such a way as to make her fearful for her safety, then she will get special help from the welfare state - such as priority housing and such.


It is okay in theory when a woman leaves a household and needs a place to stay for the male to not contradict this. Unfortunately the woman then gets to believe it was the case and continues on that line - which can put the man at some risk in later years.

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In certain circles, it looks bad if your partner divorced you, but it looks far less bad if you divorced her because of her faults. Losing your seat at the Captain's table at the golf club, things like that.



Other than such petty-minded worries, I'm not aware of it making any difference at all.

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