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Can anyone explain why people push in queues?

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Can anyone explain why people push in queues?


Like at the bar, where you are waiting to be served and someone just happens to turn up or even Squeezed in to get serve before you despite the factr that you've been there waiting ages to be served. If that was me getting to the bar after someone else, I would say, s/he was here at the bar before me because that the way I am. However, it is very, very rarely, that I have ever encounter someone doing the same back.


I'd like to know, if


a) You push in...and why?

b) Speak your mind if someone else pushes in?


P.S. it is late, and I've just come in from a night out where I haven't once been served without someone pushing in despite me being there before them.

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because they are impatient and selfish.


I often think that old people are the worst for this, they are always banging on about young people having no manners, but when it comes to a queue they have the manners of a pig....perhaps its because they dont have much time....if you know what I mean!!

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Originally posted by littleboo

because they are impatient and selfish.


I often think that old people are the worst for this, they are always banging on about young people having no manners, but when it comes to a queue they have the manners of a pig....perhaps its because they dont have much time....if you know what I mean!!


littleboo has it spot on. The older people are bad for this, half beacuse they are plainly rude and the other half dont know whatthey are doing.


People who push in queues are generally not nice people any way. They are selfish and think of themselves and would gladly stamp on you if they could get anywhere quicker.


I never generally challenge them beacuse generally i'd imagine they are nasty pieces of work anyway!

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To join a queue is a very British thing to do,:hihi:

to push in queues is a very stupid thing to do, as it can be very harmful to your heath..:suspect:

as it makes you, impatient and selfish,

and very rude....

and you will get stabbed in the back for it


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the example is not a very good one though.

A bar is not a queue, there is no clear order of who will be served. It's a mass of people with several servers at the front.

When going to the bar, I try to find an empty spot to stand in at the bar, if this isn't possible I join the group somewhere and make my way forwards as possible.

If I see that someone else was clearly there before me and I get offered service first, I generally point it out, although not always. And I have on occasion, said something about it being okay (in a sarcastic manner) when someone else arrives and then gets served before me.


Choose an example where there is actually a queue and not a crowd and you won't find many examples of people pushing or jumping.

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I was waiting in a queue for the check out in Boots on Fargate the other day. I don't know how many of you shop there but there is often a huge queue at lunch time on the ground floor. I had waited my turn and was walking to the top cashier when a much older lady walked the wrong way round the till, up to the cashier and tried to start unloading her shopping, the cashier pointed out that there was a massive queue and she should wait in it, the much older lady made some excuse about not realising that was the queue for the till etc etc but she can't have missed it!!


And what REALLY gets me is people who push in in queues of traffic!! why do it!??!?

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Originally posted by youwhatref

littleboo has it spot on. The older people are bad for this, half beacuse they are plainly rude and the other half dont know whatthey are doing.


People who push in queues are generally not nice people any way. They are selfish and think of themselves and would gladly stamp on you if they could get anywhere quicker.


I never generally challenge them beacuse generally i'd imagine they are nasty pieces of work anyway!


It doesn't sound like you're generalising much here! :|

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I'm waiting for the day when a mass punch-up breaks out at the 95 / 22 bus stop on Church Street, opposite the Cathedral. The arrangement of the bus-stop is so illogical that no-one really knows from day to day which end of the queue is which. It causes loads of confusion, and often ends up with a breakdown in queuing because people can't work out what's going on, and so just jump on a bus when they get the opportunity.


A potentially nasty situation did break out on one occasion when the weather was particularly bad and the bloke who was first in the queue ended up at the end, due to the bus stopping at the wrong end of the stop. The bloke started shouting and swearing at the driver, and was clearly very angry. I was expecting a fight to start - it was really quite scary.


If anyone from the PTE with anything to do with bus-stops is reading this, perhaps something could be done to improve this bus-stop?





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Apologies for double-posting, but regarding being served in bars / pubs:


I dread going to the bar to buy drinks (no comments about tight-fistedness please :D ) but I always seem to get served very quickly, much to my surprise. It seems to help to look the barman in the eye and smile sweetly. Well, works for me anyway! :thumbsup:


StarSparkle :)

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