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Can anyone explain why people push in queues?

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Originally posted by Strix

How true is that? :suspect: (before I e-mail them a hyperlink :mad: )


That is wholly true! Why? Do you know someone who works there? ;) You never get that kind of bother in Netto - they even sometimes offer to let you go in front if you only have one or two items.


In another supermarket I was once physically pushed away from a display because I had apparently spent too long in front of it deciding what I wanted. Bargain counters are the worst though, hordes of people barging their way in to snatch everything up like locusts. And as for Christmas...once me and my father were waiting in the queue from hell just to get a few pints of milk, and everyone was standing leaving a gap so people could get past the checkouts. Along comes a woman who starts to unload her trolley so we pointed that the back of the queue was behind us. She lost it, put her nose up against my face and said "Don't f***in tell me what to do, yer patronising f***er!". Security heard her and she was ejected from the shop, presumably to go without her Christmas shopping. I was only 14. :rant:

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Originally posted by march

I agree with what some people have posted, unless there are only a few of you at the bar then it is a free for all. I aren't going to memorise the order 30+ people arrived at the bar and try and work out if the rest are waiting to be served or just hovering. If there were only a few people then I would always point out if someone was before me.


I quite agree. You have to stare at the barservers eyes to get their attention else they wont notice you. They cant tell either who was there first when it is busy and often just serve the nearest person that they notice (and they dont notice unless you make eye contact a lot of the time I find).

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Originally posted by Mathom

That is wholly true! Why? Do you know someone who works there? ;)

Nope, I used to work in John Lewis, and that is not how partners should behave.


I did e-mail them. I'll ask if it's okay to post the reply here.


(And they replied within 24 hours at the weekend :thumbsup: )

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Originally posted by Strix

Nope, I used to work in John Lewis, and that is not how partners should behave.


I did e-mail them. I'll ask if it's okay to post the reply here.


(And they replied within 24 hours at the weekend :thumbsup: )


Excellent! :thumbsup: She was possibly one of the old Safeway staff, who were often a bit 'odd', and frequently seemed to be making it their mission to be as unhelpful as humanly possible...

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never queue jumped & due to my size never seem to have much trouble in people pushing past me(lol).

however i have reacted positively to queueing over the years & changed my polite upbringing into the 21st century.

although slightly off context some niggling occurrences:


old folks have all day to stand in a queue why go to the shops or on buses at busy times ?.in these instances i let 'em wait.


ladies who think smiling works - get to the back of the queue.if u offer to help they think u are being patronising or after a quickie. so much for womens lib.


i do find it awful that being polite & gentlemanly is frowned upon by many people these days & although i am never impolite i do now look after number one.

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I don't queue jump, it's rude, inconsiderate and shows a complete lack of respect for others. I enjoy shaming people who do with a " Please, after you. Obviously you must be partially sighted not to notice this f****** queue - you go right ahead!".


The ones who reeeeeally get on my wick are the lasses who elbow their way to the bar and then thrust their chest out as if it's a VIP pass to get served quicker. One stood there digging me in the ribs and had the temerity to demand I move and let her get to the bar whilst I was qeuing for a round! Not very chivalrous but she was told certainly but only after I get my beers :hihi:

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The queues that form at cash machines where there is one queue for 5 machines is the most stupid, I just walk-up and use the machine, people do sometimes mumble "there is a queue you know" but I just ignore them, it's not compulsory to join their nice queue, plus they have all day, I only have my luch hour.

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I remember one particular instance at the Republic about... Oooh, 5 years ago.


I was stood at one of the bars waiting to get served. After about 10 minutes of the barman serving people to the left and to the right of me I waved at him when I thought it was my turn. The lad exploded and yelled, "If you think that waving your arms around like a ---- is going to get you served faster you've got another thing coming!" and went on serving people either side of me. A further 5 minutes of this continued until I asked if I may be served soon. He replied "No, and if you say anything again, I'll get you thrown out." ... Perturbed, I left the bar and went to a different one.


Upon rejoining my friends I regailed them with the story to be informed that one of my group had recently enjoyed an indescretion with said barman's girlfriend. He'd obviously clocked me talking to my friend and decided he was going to prevent us having a good night through any means he could.


Anyway, aforementioned indiscreet girlfriend went back to the barman... For all of 3 weeks... Before leaving him for another of my friends. I've not seen him since.

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Originally posted by nick2

The queues that form at cash machines where there is one queue for 5 machines is the most stupid, I just walk-up and use the machine, people do sometimes mumble "there is a queue you know" but I just ignore them, it's not compulsory to join their nice queue, plus they have all day, I only have my luch hour.


maybe they are all on their lunch hour as well...

unless they are queuing and a machine is actually free (in which case they're dumb) then you are being extremely rude and selfish.

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